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My Chocolate Chip Cookie


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Oh, how I do so love my chocolate chip cookie.

I eat it whenever I shower.

I wanted to eat my chocolate crumbly,

But I had to grab my rifle and cower.


A noise did so ring as I tried eating my chocolate friend,

A noise of unnatural shatter.

The broken glass had a hard message to send,

It spoke of an invasion in its shrieking chatter.


I ran to my kitchen table,

In which was naturally a placement for my gun.

I ran in the shower and pulled the cable,

Pretended I was unaware of the invasive one.


Locked and loaded I felt as big as a tower,

As I would hop out and surprise him, shout and say,

“You thought I was just enjoying a cookie in the shower,

But it is now you who must cross their fingers and pray!”


“If you had known indeed that I was here,

Then I have but one answer to desire.”

The burglar pleaded as he dropped a tear.

“Why on earth did you strip off all of your attire?”


I shouted and sang, as I pointed with my musket,

“ ’Twas too further fool you my fly-in-a-trap!”

But as I thought just a bit more about it,

I suddenly realized I was naked, and yelled “oh crap.”


“It matters not what is worn by I,

For you will not escape your fate!

Your failed estimations will be your reason to die,

There is no more time for you, it is too late.”


So as I took aim at him through my sight,

I saw the crumble of my cookie uneaten,

And suddenly urged to eat my chocolaty delight

I said one last thing to this Cretan.


Here, before I shoot you for your terrible feat,

Hold my rifle, so I can devour my chocolate treat.


Kudos if you like it!


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.


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Very excellent though a little bit of editing may help.


Funny! Poignant and pregnant with possibilities. Deep with irony. Very tasty with the chocolate cookie. Ending with a cliff hanger. Can I extend this reponse any further? Yes, but I will not do so.


Keep on writing on.

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Lol. I know it could use editing. But I don't care too much to come back to this one.


A family friend by the name of Mary had visited yesterday and was talking of things in which kept her stressed. So I went through my documents and pictures and found this. I decided I'd write a quickie poem and set it as wallpaper, and show her both, pic and poem, to hopefully cheer her up. I spent maybe a minute and a half to two minutes on it but it did take up the "need to pump one out per day" quota so I just kept it instead of deleting.


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.


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What you said makes no sense whatsoever and would not happen at all in any way shape nor form and you should be horribly ashamed for turning such a wonderful piece of poetry into blasphemy. They would not sell you a rifle, come back while you are eating a cookie in the shower and take it back. That's just stupid. Chocolate Chip cookies are sacred to the religion of Extremism Terrorists. No matter race, region or anything, they all worship Chocolate Chip Cookies and would NEVER chance shooting it to get back a rifle! But if he were eating Raisin cookies then that'd be different.


Be well, sleep well, fight well, they should make a mandatory law for all soldiers to carry and not eat Chocolate Chip Cookies in order to not get shot at.


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Me thinks, Gormonk and Renokoa, that you do but equal each other in your apparent lack of rationalism and non silliness unlike such as I who is never by far confusedly confused or foolishly apparently mixed up. Mind you I also like chocolate chip cookies.



Edited by Maharg67
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Hmmmm... There is definitely something different with you today, Graham. For once in forever... I have no idea what you just said. But I think I should be insulted, while at the same time retaining the fact the insulting demeanor was unintended... But I am unsure. I can't make heads or tails of it, and this is totally not because I'm healthy and you are normal. It's because I'm sick which doesn't help me understand the confusion you are putting me through... Also, twice you misspelled my name... You never misspell my name or confuse me.. I'm starting to get deeper perspective into what is wrong with you, but a variable of nonsobriety might be involved... I can't quite tell yet...


Point being, in short, "what?"


Be well, sleep well, fight well, much love Graham.


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