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Just installed TES Construction Set for Oblivion, but it crashes at startup?

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When I run TES CS, I see "Initializing Windows..." and the TES CS splash screen, but after a few seconds TES CS "has stopped working"... What am I doing wrong here?


Screenshot of my Oblivion folder: http://i.imgur.com/GHYVpA3.png

I have tried running the program as administrator and I've tried running it under Compatibility mode for all available options.

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The culprit is the d3d9.dll file. No matter where this file comes from, ENB, Alenet's system mods, if a d3d9.dll is present in the game folder, the CS will crash on startup.


The only workaround is to take the d3d9.dll out of the main folder (I put it in the Data folder) every time you need to use the CS, and then put it back there when you want to play the game. There's a mod that automatizes this, but I can't recall its name.


Another solution is using a Multiple Profile Manager to have two separate Oblvion profiles, one for modding and another for playing. I personally use the mTES4 Manager, and another popular manager is the MOM. In the profile you will use to mod, you install only the game, updates, patches and utilities you need, but no environmental mods, thus avoiding the d3d9.dll file.



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