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LooT organizer makes skyrim freeze while BOSS does not.


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I finally got all my skyrim mods back in and ran loot to organize my mods but when I went into game, I see the smoke and the logo

but it never progresses. No continue, new, or load buttons. However, when I organize with BOSS I'm able to play no problems.


However, BOSS is highly outdated so I realize not all mods could function correctly because of such.

I'd like to provide a LooT load order vs my BOSS load order, but I don't know how to get a copy of my LooT

load order without writing each mod down since I can't find a written list of my mod organized on LooT.



Can someone help me?

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"However, BOSS is highly outdated so I realize not all mods could function correctly because of such."


BOSS (Better Oblivion SORTING Software) has nothing does not have anything to do with mod functionality. It will only sort your mods and put them in order according to the BOSS Master list. If the master list does not have all your mods in it, BOSS will display a message to that effect and advise you to order those mods by hand.

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I finally got all my skyrim mods back in and ran loot to organize my mods but when I went into game, I see the smoke and the logo

but it never progresses. No continue, new, or load buttons. However, when I organize with BOSS I'm able to play no problems.


However, BOSS is highly outdated so I realize not all mods could function correctly because of such.

I'd like to provide a LooT load order vs my BOSS load order, but I don't know how to get a copy of my LooT

load order without writing each mod down since I can't find a written list of my mod organized on LooT.



Can someone help me?

see if you have the dance of death in your load order.


also, about loot/boss i only use them as reference, but i organize my load order manually with wrye bash. too many problems to rely entirely on them :dry:

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I do have dance of death in my load order. I had it before but didn't have any problems.

10 bucks say if you remove it the game will load normally.


i looked into it as well and found nothing wrong, but something about it freezes the game on start up.

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Post your complete LOOT report log. Copy/paste it here and enclose in a set of spoiler tags so it won't clutter the screen.


For what it's worth, I would also note that while the BOSS masterlist is no longer being updated, BOSS is still a functional utility. I still use it (for all sorts of lengthy reasons I won't go into here...), but it is advised that the average user transition to LOOT for load order arrangement.

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