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Mark Valuable items "NOT FOR SALE"


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i had this great idea to be able to mark items in your inventory so that they do not appear in the shop menus. i cant tell you how many times ive sold off one of my "keepers" on accident trying to sell a bunch of different junk. i think it should work much like "favoriting" an item, hover over the item and hit a programmable key. and voila a little symbol appears next to it, and ill never even have to worry about selling it because it wont appear in the shop menus. i dont want to mark them all as stolen either because then you would run into trouble every time you commit a crime. i didnt want to go through my items and just mark them as favorite and watch out for the starred items either because then my favorites menu would be spammed with all my keeper items. maybe make a way to toggle an item as a quest item at the very least so that i dont end up selling it or even dropping it by mistake. and then make it so that quest tagged items dont show up in shop menus altogether.


thanks for any feedback as to whether its doable or even if its a good idea!


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this is the only reason i have the bag of holding installed. for every other pack mule needs i use midas luggage


valuable stuff i want to keep for display or use goes to the bag, clutter, ingredients and loot for sale goes to the weird spider.

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  • 6 months later...

I'm going to look into doing this. How do you imagine you would "Mark" an item? Equipping in inventory and showing a messagebox of "do you want to equip" and "do you want to mark" would be clunky and silly. I'm going to look into being able to press a key and have it mark the item you have selected, but I'm not actually sure if that's feasible. I can't recall a function that would do that off the top of my head. If there is I'll totally do that.


But this IS possible, one way or another, so I'll do it. Might take a little bit of time though, these things do.

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It may be a cheap work-around, but I select items I do not want to sell as "Favorite". That way, they get a star next to them in my inventory.

You can't mark all items as favorite though.

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Quick question, I'll be publishing this late tonight or early tomorrow. What should the name be?


Valuable Items

Hey, Don't Take That!



Something else?


Anyone can give an idea/choose which they prefer. I'm partial to Keepsakes.

Edited by Mattiewagg
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