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ChiefDestroyer - BANNED


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ChiefDestroyer banned.


Mod theft, copyright infringement


Mod: Naruto Armor Pack Beta

Author: monk_ide

URL: http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22134

File upload date: Aug 6, 2009


Mod: CM Partner Yondaime from Naruto

Author: ChiefDestroyer

URL: http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=29290

File upload date: Jan 12, 2010


By just looking at the upload dates, it is clear and indisputable that monk_ide's mod was uploaded well before this one.


There were several meshes and textures reported as being using without permission or credit given and upon inspection, I found that it was not necessary to review each and every item once it became absolutely clear after the 3rd comparison.


ChiefDestroyer, I gave you a chance in a PM to tell me the truth about this report of copyright infringement on Sept 7, you replied saying the only thing you took was the Helix symbol and that the rest of the textures and all of the models are your own. Apparently, you believe that if monk_ide created a model and you make slight modifications, that it somehow becomes yours...which is not true.


Here is the evidence I collected:


Umhang.nif (same as Jacket.nif)


Verdict: ChiefDestroyer definitely used monk_ide's model as a base even though it is modified, you can still see the topology is the same and the UV Map is identical.




Verdict: ChiefDestroyer definitely used monk_ide's model as a base even though it is modified, you can still see the topology is the same and the UV Map is almost identical and also shows the same topology. monk_ide's UV Map allows for a different / unique texture for the entire front and entire back of the pants whereas ChiefDestroyer modified the UV Map so that the front is mirrored on the left leg and the back is mirrored based on the right leg and the merged mirrored view I put together looks identical to ChiefDestroyer's UV Map.




Verdict: ChiefDestroyer definitely used monk_ide's model as a base even though it is modified, you can still see the topology is the same. The UV Map was re-created but the texture layout is still in certain areas is still the same.


ChiefDestroyer, since you took assets from another modder and tried to pass it off as your own and after being called on it, you still refused to tell the truth and give credit to monk_ide for the original models and textures, therefore, you are banned from the Nexus and no longer welcome here.


LHammonds (File Admin)

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Let this be a lesson to people:


  • We take stealing of assets very seriously
  • Only use assets that the original author has authorised others to use in their work
  • Always credit where you got help from both in the file description and readme
  • Using someone elses work and slightly modifying it does not make the work yours
  • If a moderator asks you for the truth, give it to them or you will be called on your bluff
  • If you admit to stealing assets early you probably won't get banned as long as you make things right.

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