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Can't get an answer anywhere so I'll try here..


Can't get the patcher to worker in MO..


Using normal PaMa with MO instructions and the correct Java I'm getting the message - Can't import custom Patch/Mod..


I was getting Heapspace issues as well.


Both the .bat files 32bit and 64 bit give me Nullpoint Error - Even on Vanilla Skyrim - So it's not a mod issue.

I've done a fresh install of skyrim and still doesn't work.


I tried using Pcapp - Followed the vidoes - created a Merged patch and a bash patch - Then Ran PaMa - This time, when the progress has reached - importing .esp - I get a blank message window and the whole process crashes.


Any help would be great, thanks

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Both the .bat files 32bit and 64 bit give me Nullpoint Error - Even on Vanilla Skyrim - So it's not a mod issue.

wrong forum then, this is Skyrim Mod troubleshooting. go find the MO trouble shooting forum, im not sure where that is sadly because i use NMM

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Hi, i feel the pain...I have 290 mods loading and the patchers , (running thru MO) can be a serious hair pulling experience. But i got it!...


Download and install SUM, in the settings for SUM you can up the Memory requirements, and still have MO run it. SUM ran fine for me (235 ESM/P's) with a memory setting of 768. For me SUM runs DSR, AV and Patchus Maximus. Takes about an hour for me .


Create a "RUN" for SUM inside MO. Once launched it will find any skyproc patchers you have in the Skyproc folder.


Good luck.

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Ya i would guess so...SUM works on its own, and since it can work with MO...NMM should be even easier..lol, as with NMM the files are IN the Skyrim folder and not ghosted in a virtual directory.


Get the latest version of SUM, it works with all the skyproc patchers.

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