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First colonization and terraformation changes has been made on Mars and the moon. Near-space craft is now available to common people. Skyscrapers of colossal height cover the face of the Earth. Cutting edge technology can now literally grant your every wish. This is 2092.



17 of June 2092 - Denver Launching Site E1.


"A massive crowd has gathered around on the top of a 712 metre skyscraper 'Stargate'. On it lies one of spacecraft launching sites. The mission today is to send four Glow space ships to the Mars. They, of course won't be manned, but controlled from this very launching site. They have been equipped with all the equipment required to record what challenges would a human experience while flying this ship. Glow spaceship is mainly designed for public, and it can go near-space without a problem. Eighty-five kilometres, to be exact! But we have seen them go as far as the Launching Ring for testing purposes half a year ago.


As soon as the ships get to the Launching Ring, the ring would accelerate them fast enough, they could reach Mars in less than seven days! Mars would be about 96,200,000 kilometres apart as soon as ships take off tonight at midnight. Glow ships are supposed to be accelerated to about 600,000 km/h. Then if they were to successfully get to Mars' Launching ring, it would push them in the other direction, slowing them down ten or more times.


We are still deciding who is going to control them tonight though. You too can control one of the ships, just sign up here or on the launching site."


Said the article on the net. David turned off his laptop after reading and started to get dressed. He wanted to be one of lucky ones who will control the ship as he already had experience with spacecraft.


As he put on his jacket, David took his laptop bag and closed the door. He went into the elevator and pressed 'one' 'two' and 'five'. The elevator closed, and started to move up fast but peacefully, 4 levels a second. He arrived at the top, while this building is about 375 metres, it's not the tallest in the city. He looked up, and about 20 metres higher, there were all kinds of ships. Freighters, civilian, police, even liners. You name it.


David approached his ship. In fact it was the same model of Glow. He put his index finger on the panel for scanning. In a second, the window opened (Like on a fighter aeroplane, I'll call it a door.). He put his bag on the second seat and shut the window. He ignited the bottom thruster for lift off. As soon as he lifted off, main rear engine activated, humming peacefully. He set rear engine to full speed, engine glowing like a firefly, and started to pull up.


He decided that he should avoid main traffic and go higher, so he kept going at two thousand feet. Soon he saw that skyscraper he needed. Looking below traffic looked like a laser show, lights glowing from one direction to another. He kept going closer and closer to the skyscraper, at about four hundred kilometres an hour. Soon enough David could see it's colossal size. He could hear and see the crowd already. He pulled up to the parking lot on the same top floor, and landed in the corner. He opened the door, feeling the cold breeze on his face. Taking his bag, he got out and closed the door. Looking down he could see the whole town, which was mainly skyscrapers as big as the one he lives in.

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Interesting concepts and good story.


I will be following this.

Thanks, glad you enjoyed it. Today the second part wont be here, probably tomorrow I would finish writing it.


EDIT - I finally got enough interest to continue it. Next part would be made by 25 of October.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks BlueDanube. As I edited my previous post I will continue on this story. I had no interest in it after the first part, as happens to all of my writings. But it seems good enough to continue.
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