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Followers won't STFU. :(


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So you're looking to just delete those specific lines of audio and not all of their comments? Because with FCO you can turn down their frequency to 0% which means they will never comment about anything, effectively eliminating the annoying "I'm still here" comments over and over again.

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So you're looking to just delete those specific lines of audio and not all of their comments? Because with FCO you can turn down their frequency to 0% which means they will never comment about anything, effectively eliminating the annoying "I'm still here" comments over and over again.

yeah but then they won't say ANYTHING. i'm with the poster in post #10. i use FCO also, but i just want the "got your back" and "i'm right behind you" to stop. just those 2 lines

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Do you have a follower manager like AFT that has the option of turning off idle chatter? I don't remember my followers being that chatty when I use FCO. I'm wondering if perhaps No NPC Greeting may be affecting them too, so you could try that as well.

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Everyone calm done I get the fix http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52019/? has mcm with a option to how chatty follower are.

not sure what u mean. if you're talking about just the FCO mod, we already covered that. it does stop the "right behind you""got your back" but then it basically makes the mod useless by turning off all chatter.

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I think a lot depends on your characters race. I usually use Ygnord race from ECE. For a change I am playing a High Elf to use with the thalmor start from Alternate Start. With the elf I am getting the constant chatter . The Ynnords get ignored.


I keep FCO at 10%. It is one of my favorite mods. I am still hearing new line & I have had it install since it came out.



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Everyone calm done I get the fix http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52019/? has mcm with a option to how chatty follower are.

not sure what u mean. if you're talking about just the FCO mod, we already covered that. it does stop the "right behind you""got your back" but then it basically makes the mod useless by turning off all chatter.


Make it 10% then.


nah 10% still allows it. and i tried the "no chatter" option in AFT. didn't work either. only thing that has stopped it for sure, is to disable that particular voice set in the FCO mcm menu. the 3 followers driving me nuts all had the young eager voice. disabling that stopped it...unfortunately that sorta kills the point of the mod lol.

i do think i know what triggers it tho. having so many followers that one of them is always forced up very close to the player. like in small houses or hallways. even if u have follow distance set for distant, these small spaces force followers close, and the more u have, the closer. i have 6 atm, and after alot of testing, it really does seem to be distance related.


so if it's drivin ta nuts...step away!

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