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The Nexus State of the Union - 2015


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The Entire Crew,


Great site. I come here just to browse, even when I'm not wanting to install more mods. It's interesting and fun, and I'm grateful for the multitude of mod authors giving so much of their time and talent to improve and accent a legendary game. It's been almost three years, and I've never been disappointed with the site. All of you do a tremendous job. Thank You!


I'm Still,



Edited by playingskyrim
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I'm hooked on mods !

And it's all your fault !! Had Never modded anything, and wasn't interested in doing so until I discovered the Nexus. You've made what always looked like a total pain, simple and user friendly.

Great work fellas, keep it up.


P.S. My wife hates you.

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In response to post #22296629.

see mine games as well, NMM is perfect for her seeing she doesn't have the time to hassle with installing loads of mods manually, seeing she works two jobs (she is addicted to working) I've always found NMM to be the least pain in the ass system for managing mods, I should explain I've been around since morrowind times ;)
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I found this site back when I was looking at modding morrowind back in the day, lol anyone old enough to remember that here? I have heard of a number of people getting banned that I used to get mods from which are by now long forgotten. if you're so incapable of conducting yourself like a decent human being spare the rest of us of your presents. as the old saying literally goes if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing or get back handed >.> also was tought you can do whatever you want, as long as you accept the repercussions of those actions. these are pretty basic concepts honestly, and if you want dwarven machine guns and trains I am sure you can find them on another TES mod site. Enough on the parent speech.


On to the future of NMM, its been a pretty decent tool. steadily getting better of the years for sure. I would like to see ENB profiling, I don't see a reason why the application can't track and edit files outside of the data dir. this would make knowing you cleared out all of the files related to a ENB a sertity. I would imagine it would have its own button, that it knows by default files go above /data unless there is a /data in the zip. It would certainly make testing out ENB's going much quicker and less painful, especially for those just getting their feet wet with TESV.

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Apparently some people have no clue what free speech really means. :rolleyes:

Hint, it does not mean you get to trash talk, scream, proselytize, slander, flame or troll.

Please re-read the Terms of service you agreed to abide by when you registered here.

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Apparently some people have no clue what free speech really means. :rolleyes:

Hint, it does not mean you get to trash talk, scream, proselytize, slander, flame or troll.

Please re-read the Terms of service you agreed to abide by when you registered here.


Also, the 1st Amendment's "Right to free speech" applies to the (US) government not being able to censor what someone says/publishes.


It has zero to do with what a private venue does or does not allow within its own confines. The Nexus is not the public square, and does not have to allow anything by anyone at all. Just as you may require someone to leave your home if her/his behaviour offends you, Dark0ne determines what behaviour is allowed here. You may not like that, but you agreed to abide by his terms when you registered.

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