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How to Let's Play?: A newbie's quest for information


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Hi all!


Okay so I watch a TON of let's play videos... mostly Skyrim. And I've always wanted to do my own. I know Skyrim LP's are a dime a dozen.. but I want to do it more for my enjoyment and anyone else who may want to join in my adventures.


But... I have NO CLUE how to set up an LP. I've done some research but if anyone with any LP experience can look at this set up and let me know how it looks, I would really appreciate it!


1. Recording software: I was thinking Dxtory but if there is a better one for Skyrim let me know.

2. Video editing software: Ideally what I would like to do is record it on an external hard drive and once I'm done recording, edit on my MacBook using iMovie as It's better than the default Windows one. Any other recommended video editing tools?

3. Get Audacity to record my voice as a separate channel from the game audio.

4. Get a good quality microphone. I have no clue here... I've tried to look but there are so many I get lost. Any suggestions?

5. Pick up an external hard drive for the recordings. I don't want to slow down my game or FPS at all and since I run a lot of graphics mods and an ENB I don't want to affect performance. Tell me if I'm just completley not understanding this process but I believe I can get an external drive and set my recordings to save to that instead of my normal drive. Any recommendations for an external?


Am I missing anything? Please feel free to point out any glaring lack of knowledge here as I said before.. I know F*** all about recording LP's.


Thanks in advance!

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Boombro, thank you for your reply! Any little bit helps. I've found some good guides, but before I make an investment in gear I was just hoping to consult with someone who's actually done it to make sure I'm on the right track. I will continue my quest though! Thanks again :)

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Seems like all you would really need to do is get a rather decent mic and recording software and just play the game like you usually would, except add a bit commentary and tips as you go along. It's not as complex as you're making it out to be.


Keep in mind that Skyrim is getting to be an older game so most people wouldn't really be interested in a new lets pay of the game. If you're really bound and determined to do something like this, if I were you I'd wait until a new TES game comes out, then you'd probably fid a lot more success and interest from viewers.

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It's not as complex as you're making it out to be.


Haha, VolkiharFiend! Story of my life :P I have this perfectionist side of me that will delay a project I want to do because I want to start it off 100% perfect. Hence me waiting this long to do an LP of Skyrim. I'm not too worried about a ton of people watching it really. I'm not looking for a large crowd, really just for me and anyone else who wants to join me and my character's story.


I tried using the free version of FRAPS just to try it out. It allows you to record 30 secs of gameplay. Problem is, there was a very noticeable drop in performance due to me recording my already performance intensive game. I know some of the popular LP'er like Gopher use a secondary hard drive to record as to not slow down their games, I'm just not sure if it's as simple as plug in the USB and set the recording to that drive.

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