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Site Down?


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Is the NexusMods site experiencing another DDoS? I've been experiencing unexplained several loading failures when I tried to access the site (Skyrim Nexus, Fallout 3 Nexus). Right now, it's accessible, however loading takes a while.


Forums were inaccessible as well.


Tested in Firefox and Chrome.

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I swear, Lizard Squad & the rest of their ilk need to have their hands chopped off & then hung out in the public square by the throat as punishment for all these recent DDoS attacks against various companies/websites. This is beyond ridiculous. Where's the FBI cybercrimes unit when you need them?

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Some script kiddies were DDoSing the site this morning. I slept through it due to my phone being on silent but a couple of technicians were working away at it and all seems to be fine now.


Don't get stressed or rise to them when they come on looking for kicks. You only need to read the kid's Twitter feed to know he's a teenager with nothing better to do. Pitty the tool, don't rise to him.


When it happens, kick back in the knowledge we're working on it and it'll be back in a few hours :smile:

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