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Black body texture after a while of playing. (high end pc)


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Textures can be glitched out, it happened with me too, I just reinstalled almost all of them, replaced 2K textures with 1K ones, that sorted the problem. You don`t have to re-do the bashed/merged patches for textures as they not part of them anyway.

I added few other mods while I reinstalled those body mods so that is why I remake them, but thanks for the info any way.

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It is either your vram, or just Skyrim being Skyrim.


As I said it is happened with me, and I have 2x R9290X in crossfire. What is really strange, that I think now i have more 2k-4k textures compared to what I had when that black texture problem occurred. It must be something which is eating up your ram, maybe some kind of error, which send your GPU into an endless loop, or just overload it.

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It happens when you run out of video ram. Yeah you got something sucking up that 4gb vram you got there.

Did you even read the whole info I gave? It is not problem with my vram when my whole pc is using max 2gb out of 4gb. http://i.imgur.com/PccTF.jpg This is what the problem looks like close up. It fades away a bit and when I look from far away it is completely black. I might have fixed the problem (need to test first) I tweaked the config.xml file from the unp body blender mod. The author of this mod gave instructions how to fix this problem if you get black head/body.

PS. next time read the whole thread before giving advices.



Dude, Its generally not polite to be rude to people tryna help... you will find they stop trying to help pretty quick when you are...


but the slight aside... your machine isnt any better than mine, and if you think about it.... Texture packs etc PLUS view distance and cached cells... 2 gb dont go far....


I would personally suggest you look into your systems virtual memory settings and available hardrive space ALSO...


Again Metaton with a pearl of wisdom, IF by chance you use HD ultimate fire which is how many repeats of a 2k texture per second of fire.... plus you have ALL 2k textures... not to mention the size of what ever textures are used ON the models...

imma put it this way man,


my asus hexcore with 4g graphics and 16gb of ram... STILL has an issue after a while... maybe look at adding THESE lines to you SKSE.INI






It basically causes the game to PCB or "purge cell buffers" every now and then, you may find your loading more often BUT it may help with your stability

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It happens when you run out of video ram. Yeah you got something sucking up that 4gb vram you got there.

Did you even read the whole info I gave? It is not problem with my vram when my whole pc is using max 2gb out of 4gb. http://i.imgur.com/PccTF.jpg This is what the problem looks like close up. It fades away a bit and when I look from far away it is completely black. I might have fixed the problem (need to test first) I tweaked the config.xml file from the unp body blender mod. The author of this mod gave instructions how to fix this problem if you get black head/body.

PS. next time read the whole thread before giving advices.


I didn't give any advice. RAM is not the same as VRAM. Whoever told you otherwise, has misinformed you. When the game runs low on RAM, textures aren't going to be affected. The game will just crash. And posting all that stuff doesn't eliminate your hardware from the problem entirely. I don't think I can help you anyway as you sound like one of those guys who can't accept that their monster card isn't so badass after all.


I've had the black texture problem with a 1GB 560Ti, which occurs after long hours of play as well and this is when I've used 968MB of my VRAM. I use CBBE, which isn't really heavy on textures(poly count FOR THE MESH is 6k only, textures is 2048x2048. That isn't a whole lot. 4024x4024 is when things get crazy) Remember.. you have other things in the game that your card HAS TO RENDER.

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It happens when you run out of video ram. Yeah you got something sucking up that 4gb vram you got there.

Did you even read the whole info I gave? It is not problem with my vram when my whole pc is using max 2gb out of 4gb. http://i.imgur.com/PccTF.jpg This is what the problem looks like close up. It fades away a bit and when I look from far away it is completely black. I might have fixed the problem (need to test first) I tweaked the config.xml file from the unp body blender mod. The author of this mod gave instructions how to fix this problem if you get black head/body.

PS. next time read the whole thread before giving advices.


I didn't give any advice. RAM is not the same as VRAM. Whoever told you otherwise, has misinformed you. When the game runs low on RAM, textures aren't going to be affected. The game will just crash. And posting all that stuff doesn't eliminate your hardware from the problem entirely. I don't think I can help you anyway as you sound like one of those guys who can't accept that their monster card isn't so badass after all.


I've had the black texture problem with a 1GB 560Ti, which occurs after long hours of play as well and this is when I've used 968MB of my VRAM. I use CBBE, which isn't really heavy on textures(poly count FOR THE MESH is 6k only, textures is 2048x2048. That isn't a whole lot. 4024x4024 is when things get crazy) Remember.. you have other things in the game that your card HAS TO RENDER.


I don't know what you are on about. I know the difference between RAM and VRAM and if statistic show how much my whole system is using vram and ram or are you saying that the program is lying? the problem isn't on my system the problem is on the game and I am not even going close to the 3,1gb limit (skyrim memory limit) and I know how to tweak Skyrim because I read the descriptions for mods and if I get a problem I found a solution or start all over again.

Nevertheless I fixed the problem. I just uninstalled my body texture mods and the blender, reinstalled them, blended the body,feet/head and added mipmaps with texture optimizer. Played over an 1h and half without any problems.

There problem solved.

No need to call me rude if I say something that is true. People doesn't always read properly what people type to the thread and I've had to deal with this too many times and that is the reason why I get pissed off. Yes I'm sorry if I offended you.

okay time to calm down. Thanks for the help all! cheers!

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It happens when you run out of video ram. Yeah you got something sucking up that 4gb vram you got there.

Did you even read the whole info I gave? It is not problem with my vram when my whole pc is using max 2gb out of 4gb. http://i.imgur.com/PccTF.jpg This is what the problem looks like close up. It fades away a bit and when I look from far away it is completely black. I might have fixed the problem (need to test first) I tweaked the config.xml file from the unp body blender mod. The author of this mod gave instructions how to fix this problem if you get black head/body.

PS. next time read the whole thread before giving advices.



Dude, Its generally not polite to be rude to people tryna help... you will find they stop trying to help pretty quick when you are...


but the slight aside... your machine isnt any better than mine, and if you think about it.... Texture packs etc PLUS view distance and cached cells... 2 gb dont go far....


I would personally suggest you look into your systems virtual memory settings and available hardrive space ALSO...


Again Metaton with a pearl of wisdom, IF by chance you use HD ultimate fire which is how many repeats of a 2k texture per second of fire.... plus you have ALL 2k textures... not to mention the size of what ever textures are used ON the models...

imma put it this way man,


my asus hexcore with 4g graphics and 16gb of ram... STILL has an issue after a while... maybe look at adding THESE lines to you SKSE.INI






It basically causes the game to PCB or "purge cell buffers" every now and then, you may find your loading more often BUT it may help with your stability





I always add that line to SKSE.ini when I mod Skyrim, but thanks anyway.

"but the slight aside... your machine isnt any better than mine, and if you think about it.... Texture packs etc PLUS view distance and cached cells... 2 gb dont go far...." I am not sure what you mean? the vram on my graphics card is 4gb not 2gb.

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It happens when you run out of video ram. Yeah you got something sucking up that 4gb vram you got there.

Did you even read the whole info I gave? It is not problem with my vram when my whole pc is using max 2gb out of 4gb. http://i.imgur.com/PccTF.jpg This is what the problem looks like close up. It fades away a bit and when I look from far away it is completely black. I might have fixed the problem (need to test first) I tweaked the config.xml file from the unp body blender mod. The author of this mod gave instructions how to fix this problem if you get black head/body.

PS. next time read the whole thread before giving advices.




you SAID here it is only using 2 of your 4g vram... maybe, if you know so fn much, you should stop asking for help then telling people they dont know wtf they are talking about....

I have a name for people like that, its askhole...


Basically man, its simple, your machine ISNT top end, its about the same as mine and I HAD issues like this with memory,


there are 2-3 basic possible issues and solutions


1: your mods arnt installed proper like

2: your machine is eating memory or spending it elsewhere rather than skyrim ( possible background programs? )


but im personally over it, I have seen several people try and help you jsut to see you tell them they dont know s#*! from dick....


good luck fixing your problem

happy skyrim

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It happens when you run out of video ram. Yeah you got something sucking up that 4gb vram you got there.

Did you even read the whole info I gave? It is not problem with my vram when my whole pc is using max 2gb out of 4gb. http://i.imgur.com/PccTF.jpg This is what the problem looks like close up. It fades away a bit and when I look from far away it is completely black. I might have fixed the problem (need to test first) I tweaked the config.xml file from the unp body blender mod. The author of this mod gave instructions how to fix this problem if you get black head/body.

PS. next time read the whole thread before giving advices.




you SAID here it is only using 2 of your 4g vram... maybe, if you know so fn much, you should stop asking for help then telling people they dont know wtf they are talking about....

I have a name for people like that, its askhole...


Basically man, its simple, your machine ISNT top end, its about the same as mine and I HAD issues like this with memory,


there are 2-3 basic possible issues and solutions


1: your mods arnt installed proper like

2: your machine is eating memory or spending it elsewhere rather than skyrim ( possible background programs? )


but im personally over it, I have seen several people try and help you jsut to see you tell them they dont know s*** from dick....


good luck fixing your problem

happy skyrim


Seriously are you mentally handicapped or can't you just read? I already fixed the problem and I still don't have any clue wtf is my vram usage got to do with the F***in textures. What ever dude I don't need your help because obviously you can't explain properly and you can't read at all.

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dude... im mentally handicapped? what do you think stores your textures? a void in the middle of now where?


w/e man... glad you fixed it and all that crap, now you may just wanna look at your attitude ^_^


just saying, it seems that could use a little fixing too

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dude... im mentally handicapped? what do you think stores your textures? a void in the middle of now where?


w/e man... glad you fixed it and all that crap, now you may just wanna look at your attitude ^_^


just saying, it seems that could use a little fixing too

Yeah I apologize for my words.

In the end it was pretty easily fixed when I just googled a lot of stuff about black body textures and so on. It was quite a common problem.

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