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Failure to download Mods. Help please.


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Hello Nexus Forum Members.

I joined today. Very excited to be apart of the website. A lot of great content here.



I went to download the Nexus Mod Manager and this came up..


Downloading file

Your file is being prepared for download from the content delivery network...

Download not starting? Please enable javascript and HTTP redirects in your browser and ensure you aren't running any plugins that might stop these from loading (Adblockers, NoScript, etc.)

Slow download speeds? Help us troubleshoot your speed issues.


No idea why or what this means.


I just want to Mod out Morrowind and have a great time with a great game. Could anyone please help me out.


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I don't use NMM and have heard of people having trouble using it with Morrowind (and Oblivion) mods. YMMV.


When that "Downloading file" message appears wait for a little while and the file should start downloading in a few seconds. Otherwise, have a look for those things described in the "Download not starting?" sentence.


If you're still having problems then you've got an issue downloading files with your browser which won't be unique to Morrowind mods on Nexus. Try searching the web for help downloading using whatever browser you're using.

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It's defiantly a problem with my browser. I've tried and again and the same thing came up. Following your advice I waited.. and waited.. and waited some more. Nothing happened.


So.. where else could I go to get mods for morrowind. I am not going to use this site if it doesn't work for me. It's strange because Nexus mods have been around for a while, but they still have issues like this occurring.

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I'm using firefox 35.0. Javescripts are active, adblock disabled only for the Nexus website, and I don't know how to enable HTTP redirects. I've tried looking on the internet, but I can't find anything that is helpful.

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Both. Some files will download, but most of them will not.

Are the files you are able to download all (for e.g.) ZIP files or EXE files? Maybe there's something screwy with your FF file associations (Tools > Options > Applications)


Is it only on Nexus you have this problem? Or do you have problems downloading files from other sites?

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