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Who is your charecter in oblivion?


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My characters so far have been (And this is in the order i can think of)


Lazilot - Imperial Ranger, Completed the main questline, saved Cyrodil from the gates of Oblivion, killed Mehrunes Dagon, And risked his life protecting The new Emperor.

Vladimir - An extremely violent Imperial Warrior, Your either stupid or you have a death wish if you challenge him, Left the Imperial City defenseless without their Watch, Destroyed every last survivor of Kvatch.

Vladmiri - Well known Argonian Thief, Famous for robbing the count of Cheydinhal himself as well as many citizens all over Cyrodil.

Boskov - Breton Knight, hardly known, hardly caring, Mercilessly slaughtered several bandits all over Cyrodil.

Siegfried - High Elf Ranger, Born to an Imperial Count and a High Elf Countess in Skyrim, Famous for Eliminating Daedra worship in Cyrodil.

Sieghart - Imperial Knight, Origin unknown, Cuts down anyone he sees fit, He is a ruthless killer and is still at large. Not one Guard he's encountered has survived.

Fredrick - Imperial...Unknown, This one is really a strange case, He's employed as a City Watchman but he's far more Ruthless and Cunning than any Guard i've ever met. He always wears a mask yet he bears no scars on the outside. On the inside...maybe, He is of Royal Blood in Skyrim...though he denies it.

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My characters so far have been (And this is in the order i can think of)


Lazilot - Imperial Ranger, saved Cyrodil from the gates of Oblivion, killed Mehrunes Dagon, And risked his life protecting The new Emperor.

Vladimir - An extremely violent Imperial Warrior, Your either stupid or you have a death wish if you challenge him, Left the Imperial City defenseless without their Watch, Destroyed every last survivor of Kvatch.

Vladmiri - Well known Argonian Thief, Famous for robbing the count of Cheydinhal himself as well as many citizens all over Cyrodil.

Boskov - Breton Knight, hardly known, hardly caring, Mercilessly slaughtered several bandits all over Cyrodil.

Siegfried - High Elf Ranger, Born to an Imperial Count and a High Elf Countess in Skyrim, Famous for Eliminating Daedra worship in Cyrodil.

Sieghart - Imperial Knight, Origin unknown, Cuts down anyone he sees fit, He is a ruthless killer and is still at large. Not one Guard he's encountered has survived.

Fredrick - Imperial...Unknown, This one is really a strange case, He's employed as a City Watchman but he's far more Ruthless and Cunning than any Guard i've ever met. He always wears a mask yet he bears no scars on the outside. On the inside...maybe, He is of Royal Blood in Skyrim...though he denies it.

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Sorry about the triple post. Darn this slow laptop. :wallbash:



i know what you mean, I double posted because it takes 10 minutes for my laptop to submit a post. (Its the size of the post really)

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Sorry about the triple post. Darn this slow laptop. :wallbash:



i know what you mean, I double posted because it takes 10 minutes for my laptop to submit a post. (Its the size of the post really)


Wait, my post was two words and one smiley long?

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