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Who is your charecter in oblivion?


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Here's a little backstory on Filthy Farquer...


Filthy Farquer is Glarthir's half brother. Where Glarthir is paranoid and a bit crazy, Farquer is a complete nutjob, and makes Glarthir look like the Mage's Guild Archmage by comparison. Farquer has spent almost his entire life in prison for one crime or another, ranging from pocketing things that are not his in broad daylight to destruction of property (he is deathly afraid of horses, and will destroy them on sight), to the occasional assault or even murder (usually, the murders and assaults result from him mistaking citizens of Tamriel for various creatures he's afraid of). After following Baurus and the Emperor out of the Imperial prison, Farquer mistook the Emperor for a mudcrab when Baurus left them to fight the Mythic Dawn, and killed him (I know this isn't possible in the game, but I've retconned it). Having discovered the mudcrab was in posession of the Amulet of Kings, Farquer saw this as a gift from the gods, and realized this had to mean he was the new Emperor of Tamriel. As Emperor, he believes it is his right to do as he pleases, and fights a neverending battle against those citizens (and animals) who refuse to accept his leadership. Pictured below are Farquer, weilding his club (he carries only a club, pants, and lockpicks), and his partner, Rotten Ramon...



I mentioned before that Corrine joined the Dark Brotherhood, branching out from her earlier mission to be a successful thief. However, she wasn't a big fan of the DB armor, so below she's depicted wearing her own enchanted "stealth armor", with Jauffre's katana she stole (she's taken more of a ninja-type assassin approach to being in the DB)... :ninja:



Oh, and since I've gone to the trouble of posting pictures of "heroes" like Filthy Farquer and Mer-Man, I figured it's high time I finally post a picture of my most accomplished character, the aforementioned Christian Marquardt. Christian is the man, basically my guinea pig for conquering all of the vanilla content and plug-ins, as well as a slew of mods I've downloaded. He doesn't get much use anymore, nothing is fun once someone is as overpowered as Christian is (for crying out loud, even his hand to hand skills quickly destroy any foe he comes across). :laugh:


Edited by majikmonkee
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Mistook the emperor for a mudcrab lmao








This is my guy..he's got some slight anger issues but thankfully..killing the innocent and destroying cities seems to make him happy. Picture was taken not to far from the imperial city. if you know of the aranmanthi home mod,that's actually part of it behind me.. however i modified the map and made some changes to fit my evil needs..

Edited by Uncle Roe
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Mistook the emperor for a mudcrab lmao

That was only the beginning...let me just share his most recent adventure...


Farquer is a sly type, and he knows you can learn more by eavesdropping on people than you can by approaching them in a friendly way and asking things directly. One day, he and Ramon were spying on a pair of mountain lions having a discussion in the Market District (actually Imperial guards) and they overheard them mention the aliens that had taken up residence in Cyrodiil. Now, Farquer had long suspected the existence of aliens watching him, and decided to investigate these "alien ruins" for himself (it's likely the discussion he overheard was referring to "Aeyleid ruins", but since he wasn't a part of the discussion, this was never revealed to him).


Farquer went to a known ruin he had marked on his map and, club in hand, ventured inside. It wasn't long before he had his first close encounter with a pair of hideous green men that could only be the aliens he had heard described previously. The creatures made no attempt to communicate, and after an epic (read: pathetic) battle, Farquer found himself badly beaten and running for his life. To make matters worse, he had caught some hideous extraterrestrial disease, which prevented his magicka from regenerating. The important thing, though is that he had confirmed the alien presence.


Folks would later try to tell Farquer that the "aliens" he encountered were most likely zombies, but as usual, Farquer knew this was just part of the conspiracy that every man and animal in Cyrodiil was a part of. He made his way to the nearest potion shop and attempted to take a disease cure potion without paying, and found himself in jail after his "disagreement" with the shop keeper. Last we looked in on our hero, he was still doing time, weighing the value of yet another jail break vs doing his sentence...again... :turned:


btw, I just noticed your edit...looks very cool and eeeeevil. I dig that Revan hood, I wish I had a character :devil: evil :devil: enough to wear it, but alas, I don't.

Edited by majikmonkee
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Following a long held tradition my character is named Edelbrock , named after the deadric prince of V8's , hes a breton and a custom class i called wanderer , little is known about his back ground , he wears a mix of light and heavy armor , has all up 102% chameleon effect , high stats in marksmanship and blades , main weps are a

deadric bow and either a glass long sword or the shadowrend .

might post screen shots one day

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Following a long held tradition my character is named Edelbrock , named after the deadric prince of V8's , hes a breton and a custom class i called wanderer , little is known about his back ground , he wears a mix of light and heavy armor , has all up 102% chameleon effect , high stats in marksmanship and blades , main weps are a

deadric bow and either a glass long sword or the shadowrend .

might post screen shots one day

Better take the 102% chameleon off before taking those screenies... :laugh:


I enchanted a set of mithril armor with chameleon on each piece to where it gave Christian 100% chameleon, and it was tons of fun for a while being a walking ghost, but after a while I started missing being able to see myself...and I love fighting and the enemies weren't fighting back no matter how much I abused them. :laugh:

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I'm still actively playing Corrine, but I started my most random character yet, Filthy Farquer. I just copied Glarther's face and hair onto my player, made his hair a little bigger, and outfitted him with just cloth pants and a club. Basically he just does whatever...begs for money, kills horses, steals things in broad daylight then tries to run away, and always winds up in jail. He recently recruited a dark elf from CM partners who wears only pants and a rusty iron dagger, his name is Rotten Ramon. Good times...

Sounds kinda like when I did my Misadventures of Mister Man (at the time, Man was all I could come up with as far as a name). I'd go around with a small group of companions whose names were unimportant and we'd do pointless things like that. A personal favorite is picking the Arena lockbox at high noon. The funny thing is we actually managed to get a few heists down when I had done my best to plan them out so that we'd fail every time. Either way, it's fun to just mess around like that.

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my most played character is my khajiit thief, turned him into a vampire. After completing the thieves guild questline it has been really great having the grey cowl. And then with 103 agility and 107 speed 100 security and 94 sneak at level 15 everything is super great, been doing shivering isles and have been loving it, sneak classes really are the best
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my current character is a level 5 argonian ranger named Azulisk (derived from the words Azura and Basalisk)


his story is an interesting one, if i might say so myself, he was born in the south of black marsh near the city of Blackrose. His father was the chieftain of a normal sized Argonian tribe.

One day, a week or so before Azulisk was born, his father received word that the Dark Brotherhood were after him for reasons unknown. When the assasins came (with lachance at the head of them) the fearful Argonian found out that a nearby rivaling tribe had requested the DB to kill him so their territory could be expanded. Azulisk's father (Fei-wras) made a deal however with Lachance; he would be spared and the DB could have his firstborn child, to raise him as a 'shadowscale' EVEN if the child wasn't born under the sign of the shadow.

Azulisk was born and his mother (Zuniga) didn't know about the deal her husband had made...until she overheard him a few days later talking about it with his brother.


Then, when the time had come for the baby to be handed over to the DB, Zuniga (angry and upset as she was) refused to hand Azulisk over and in an act of desperation killed her husband and fled with the baby from the village. She swam, rowed and run for days with the DB on her heels. Finally, just over the boarder with Cyrodiil, they caught up with her. Poisoned arrows, 4 no less, did the trick and the mother was slowly dying. As the assasin approached the dying Argonian to collect his bounty..another arrow whistled through the air..and pierced the skull of the Dunmer assasin.

From the shadows, a hooded and cloaked figure approached with a bow in his hand. The hooded man was a Bosmer named Ygdrasil and he was an old ranger living near Leyawiin. Zuniga begged the ranger with her last breaths to take the baby with him and raise him as his own, as long as he wouldn't come to harm. Ygdrasil, touched by the request, obliged and took the baby with him to his grove...but not before burying the dead Argonian mother.


And so Azulisk grew up with his 'step father' in the woods near Leyawiin. Ygdrasil was kind, yet firm, and always tried to challenge the curious boy. He taught him how to hunt animals with a bow and blade, how to use them also for combat, how to track animals down, how to make potions and poisons, how to cloak yourself in shadow with illusion magic etc.


Azulisk was content with his life..untill one day..his mentor died too.


Ygdrasil was old, very old even for an elf, and had known many wars (as a scout for the armies of Valenwood, before leaving Valenwood and taking up the life of the ranger) but even he was not prepared for this. Whilst Azulisk was out hunting..a group of 4 masked men in black robes came to his grove..and asked him where the young argonian was.

The bosmer first acted as if they were telling him porkies and said he didn't know what they were talking about. Then lachance came forward and said with a booming voice: 'you know him as your step son you old treesap licker, now tell me where he is or you shall share his fate'!

Ygdrasil, unafraid of the consequences, drew his sword and shouted: you will never have him you murderous coward!and he charged forward but... missed lachance who pushed one of the other robed men forward in his place. The robed imperial got cleft in half almost but before Ygdrasil had time to recover a powerful paralyzing spell was cast on him and he fell to the ground.


Lachance grabbed his own dagger and with an evil smile said: 'tell me where he is and i might spare your life, bosmer'

Ygdrasil refused to answer however and paid the price for it with his life...however, the young argonian could not be found by the men.


When Azulisk returned he was crestfallen..his only family member now dead..he knew he had to get away from the grove asap, so he buried his master, packed up his stuff and tearfully but vengeful went in search of the DB. For he knew it was them. His master had told him what had happened to his mother and how they could come back for him. plus, the dagger in his masters heart had the letters 'DB' marked into the hilt.


At a nearby inn, Azulisk stopped to get supplies before heading towards the Imperial city to get information about the whereabouts of the DB. Alas, bad luck followed him around it seemed as he got caught in a brawl with a handful of imperial soldiers. They were threatening the innkeeper (demanding free ale from him) and Azulisk stepped in and requested of the men to show their honor and take on somebody their own size. He felled two of them with his fists before a third sneaked behind him and whacked him with a mace on his head.


And so Azulisk woke up in the Imperial city..unfortunately for him, not the right part of it. That's right..the imperial prison.


stats azulisk: level 5

class: Ranger (custom class)

sign: the lady

focus: stealth

skills: strength and agility

attributes: blade, marksman, sneak, illusion, alchemy, athletics, light armor

Edited by arryjan86
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I actually had about a dozen characters developed before I started a more-or-less complete overhall of the game. My original character is however still my favorite by far. A Breton sorceress named Calipygia. When my buddy first bought the game we started playing on a broke-down laptop. He initially selected an Imperial male, so I decided to create a female character to gauge the difference in game play. She turned out so nice, I kept her.


Later, we discovered just how modifiable the game could be and we transferred the game to my PC. After upgrading the graphics, I rebuilt her from scratch and she turned out better than before. At this point I have several hundred hours of game play with the character and I an still working out her entire back story. As I play her more-or-less as nobility anyway, I have made her into a Breton princess that is essentially sowing-her-oats as they used to say and seeing the world.


Some of the other characters I have developed include and orc barbarian, a demon warrior, a female Nord gladiator and a blind monk. My list of future character candidates is longer than my leg as I currently have close to 200 playable characters loaded into my system.

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