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An interesting thing I found.

Apperently there is some sort of radio station in Russia. For the last 30 or so years all it broad-casted was 24/7 bzzz. In rare cases "The Buzzer" is interupted and voices in Russian can be heard. I don't know much about radios but I just thought it was quiet interesting.

Heres the wiki link


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Neat. I'd never heard of this before.


The purpose of UVB-76 has not been confirmed by government or broadcast officials. However the former Minister of Communications and Informatics of the Republic of Lithuania has written that the purpose of the voice messages is to confirm that operators at receiving stations are alert


Sounds like spies to me?


Another set of intersting (if slightly more bland) stations:

Letter Beacons

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"The Conent Project" has a few actual recordings of various Numbers Stations, UVB-76 is included, though anyone with a shortwave radio can pick this up if they have the proper equipment and knowledge.


There's another Russian radio transmitter that had a jamming effect on a lot of signals, it was known as the "Russian Woodpecker", and it's also said that UVB-76 did blipping sounds rather than that loud, phone vibration buzz we all hear today.


Quite a lot of videos about things like this on YouTube, it's rather interesting too.

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A form of precoded 'covert' communications to agents both in and out of the USSR?


Some form of communications testing set up?


A way of keeping contact with aliens who have been secretly in contact with the Russians for decades?


A decoy to keep foreign governments (especially the West) focused in the wrong direction?


Possibilities are many.

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A form of precoded 'covert' communications to agents both in and out of the USSR?


Some form of communications testing set up?


A way of keeping contact with aliens who have been secretly in contact with the Russians for decades?


A decoy to keep foreign governments (especially the West) focused in the wrong direction?


Possibilities are many.

Thats why so many people seem fascinated about it.

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