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Songs that get stuck in your head


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Great, now the Katamari song is stuck in my head...


I get songs stuck in my head all the time, more annoying is the fact it's never the whole song, just a little bit of it. Lately i've had song parts such as:



I shot the Sheriff, but I did not shoot no deputy


I dance, I dance, I dance around the mexican hat


Love is in the air, everywhere I look around


What is love? Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me no more

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People get songs stuck in their head, but I seem to be a rare case in that I also get quotes and little bits of dialouge stuck in my head. The latest one has been:


"I baked you a pie"

"ooh what flavor?"


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The only songs that get stuck in my head are ones that I specifically don't want to hear. And now that this thread made me think of it, my minds been running through them all and seems to have picked Lady Gaga's Poker Face to be my current torture. Good times. >.<
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Nice songs everyone! But that Banana Phone is capturing my head!


Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring - Banana Phone!



muahahahaha :devil: That song...lol I couldn't get it out of my head for a long time...even crazy death metal couldn't drown it out :P Listening to Kalmah and I still here "ring ring ring ring Banana Phone!" argh


Here's a classic lol





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Does nobody honestly remember the dark days of Crazy Frog Song?


A Swedish prank that became the official "most hated television advert in history" and was banned in every nation in the western world, It's theme music was some of the most annoying imaginable, however, it also stuck in the heads of thousands in all it's horror, causing a wave of insanity and suicides.


Surely this one deserves some credit as a "stuck in yer 'ead" supervillain.

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