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Performance-enhancing mods for low-end PC?


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Having lost my gaming rig, as discussed in a different thread, I've downloaded Skyrim to my laptop. I'm currently running on Low with no visual mods except the Imaginator, and I'm still getting a rather choppy framerate. I'm wondering if anyone can point me to some mods that boost performance on low-end machines, be it by removing things, altering textures, what have you.


Here's my system specs:


Overall Windows Experience rating is a 4.3


Processor: Intel Pentium CPU B980 @2.40 GHz

Installed memory (RAM): 4.00GB (3.89GB Usable)

System type: 64-bit Operating System, x64-based processor


Video card is the built-in for an ASUS...I'm not sure which particular model. All I know is that it was the very last one in the store at the time...it's technically just the display model, wasn't ever really intended for consumer purchase, but my fiancee's mom managed to talk the store employees into it two Christmases ago.


I'm not looking to make it jaw-droppingly beautiful. I just want it to run smoothly. When I find myself longing for ridiculous detail levels again, I'll go out and buy a new gaming rig. So if anyone can point me towards some nice performance-enhancing mods, it'd be greatly appreciated :) I'll be browsing the Nexus in the mean time.

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My computer isn't the greatest either and I've had it for 2 years now.


Processor: AMD A4 3320M APU with Radeon HD Graphics 2.00-GHz


Installed memory (Ram) 6.00 GB (5.48GB GB usable)


64-bit operating system


Overall Windows Experience Rating: 5.6


So I have found a few tricks to help increase my virtual ram and get the most out of my video card. You can try this ( http://www.ehow.com/how_8311923_change-vram-bios.html ) if you haven't already. And maybe try this as well https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nk14nPuz4ns <-- very helpful video. Also I run Game Booster to maximize gaming performance in game.


I'm also running 157 mods at high graphics at about 25-30fps and very little lag, the only time I get lag is when I enter Whiterun Mansion and that is not the house mods fault, it's because I have 10 NPC's wondering around inside because I use the house with the Guild Starter mod.

Edited by Morgwynn
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Oh and another thing I do to increase my virtual ram is plug in a USB memory stick and configure it for ready boost and that adds another 3-4GB of memory depending on the type of memory stick you use to your computer without having to actually take it apart to put in ram chips. Also when you tweak the extra ram out of your Bios settings it'll be different for each computer, I was able to double mine from 256mb to 512mb but some lower end computers will go from 128mb to 256mb and even that will make a huge difference with game performance.

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I can seriously recommend high algo boost and high algo chill. These did wonders for my performance. Even if you set them so they don't lower the resolution at all they give you a huge boost.


I went from so-so fps at medium to great fps at high-ultra with my setup (flora and summer overhauls which are hard on fps). they don't work with ENBs I think, but if you're low end you might wanna stay away from ENBs anyway.

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The texture pack did help, though not enough to let me go up a step on the quality options. I'm running pretty smoothly right now, even if my game does look like it belongs somewhere in the late-PS2 to early-PS3 graphics area.

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