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Change "Ammo Changer" Hotkey


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Hey, is anyone working on any kind of mod that allows you to bind weapons/armor to the number 2 key. I would really appreciate it if I could change the Ammo Switcher hotkey to another button because 2 was where I always put my most powerful pistol in Fallout 3.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm on board with this as well. Gimme back all my hotkeys, dangit! I suspect that replacing the silly 'ammo switch' function of hotkey 2 will take some kinda heavy script editing, and that we may have to wait for the New Vegas Script Extender to be released, but here's hoping someone figures out a quick and dirty workaround in the meantime.
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I suspect that replacing the silly 'ammo switch' function of hotkey 2 will take some kinda heavy script editing, and that we may have to wait for the New Vegas Script Extender to be released, but here's hoping someone figures out a quick and dirty workaround in the meantime.

Nop. It seems hotkey 2 mapping is missing within the game engine as there is no Hotkey2 variable to begin with. So it takes game developers to fix it by changing the game sourcecode or crackers to add it to binary although the last will be illegal.


The quick and dirty workaround is to change Ammo Switch hotkey to something else and set 5-th to 8-th hotkey to keyboard button "2" by editing [Controls] section of FalloutPrefs.ini. Then setting preferred "2-weapon" to chosen ( 5-th to 8-th ) hotkey ingame.


Examle remapping of Ammo Switch to "backspace" key and 8-th hotkey to "2" key:

Ammo Swap=000E0201

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