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Requesting craftng mod.


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Why is it that every type of gun has its own powder? isnt gunpowder called gunpowder for a reason? handy little mixture you put it inside enclosed things and use some external force on it goes boom.


I would like to see a mod that ditches all the small guns, med guns large powder junk and just replace everything with one thing, gunpowder.


Then take small ammo gun you need 1 unit of gp to make 1 unit of ammo and more units for larger ammos cases are fine as are firing pins.


THen you could rip apart the junk ammo get the powder to need to make it into any size ammo. But as it is now seems to have to rip apart ammos i would use in the guns i would use to get the junk i need to make the ammo i am already using. with a overall one for all gunpowder less clutter in your bag you could rip part large ammos to make a ton of small ammos for your pistol or you could rip apart tons of pistol ammo to get the powders to make ammo for your assault rifle.


So is anyone game to tinker with this? Or point me in the direction of what scripts and yadda i might need to be looking at to start trying to do this. cause for looking thru the geck i cannot seem to find any of the crafting stuff.


Any thoughts comments flames or whatever welcome.

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actually there are several kinds of gunpower


black powder

smokeless powder

the stuff in a 22 (primer mixed with powder)

stick powder


possibly more


but agreed, no effective difference between rifle, grenade and pistol powder

and you should be able to use them interchangeably


except that you don't really wanna mix the types listed above



and 300 years after the bombs -- wouldn't people be crafting 50 cal black powder weapons with home brew black powder even and campfire minie balls

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probably be enough left over guns and ammo in bunkers and junk, not sure the shelf life of a bullet, but even so the actual ingredients to make decent grade gunpowder is not that complex, heck they had it in china what 200 years before europe etc caught on that hey this stuff makes stuff go boom.


but then agian fallout was never about reality i mean it was supposed to be around 1950s tech and culture, and yet they are building super vaults and robots and have suits that make a guy a walking tank, nm the gauss rifles and plasma lasers. sides barrett 50 cal is so much fun, love that gun in arma 2 :). loved my gauss rifle in fallout 2 loved my power armor.


just the design decision to have pistol powder and rifle powder and shogun power, makes me facepalm literally. when i go why can't i craft any damn thing i can use, oh the powder......


also would like to add some ammo recipies of ammo i made for a mod, and etc.


i mean i love the idea of the craft system in fo nv, but i give them a C for implementation. lest they far ahead of beths fo3 effort in the rpg areas and game systems, but then some argued they just ripped off mods out of the community and crammed them into nv.and hey that is not necessarily a bad thing, after all if they taking mods and ideas that made fo3 better great mod communities are a great way to see what people would like to see in a game. more companies should allow for open modding and seeing where their communities go with the mods.


and with the crafting system in place it should be a heck of a lot easier to add stuff like craftable odds and ends new ammos new items, wo having to wait for script extenders and compatability projects etc etc. now if only we could find the actual files and junk we need to look at in the geck to mod this stuff.

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