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So I killed the Caesar out of scripted gameplay...


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So, here's the story. I've been doing primarily side-quests (for the NCR) and decided to continue with the main storyline, after killing Benny and taking the chip I exit the Tops casino and a guy runs up to me and informs me that Caesar wishes to see me thus' all past misdeeds against the Legion will be forgiven. I practically tell the guy to go dig his own grave and continue.

I head in the direction of bunker hill and come across a slave encampment (Cottonwood Cove) where you must go to hitch a lift to see the Caesar.


I approach the camp with Boone and ED-E in a bid to free the slaves, after much combat I kill Alexus and take his shiney armour. Naturally given that I took such action I fail the quest that needs me to see Caesar, however the guy with his little raft is still there and doesn't attack me, so I hop on and head to bunker hill, after refusing to give up my weapons I'm attacked, myself and my companions march inwards and head to Caesars tent where I am attacked thus I swiftly put a bullet in Caesar's head.


Now as far as I can tell this has affected nothing, though I'm curious if any future quests I set apon for the NCR will require his.. Existance? If so, would reviving him be considered a cheat and disable Steam Achievements?

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dunno i just killed him to, and boy that was a fight cept i was there to do a job for mr house. he sends you there to do a mission, but it is not mission you could not do for him even if you slaughtered the entire camp and ceaser, heck i even mentioned to house after my trip "ummm...you know ceaser is dead right?" house replies something like, it makes no difference at all his troops will still come, they will turn him into a martyr a god etc.


shame you do not get to talk to him then put a bullet in his brain or a fist, he is a real peach of an asshat, that is a vicious battle with those explody fist things all his guard got and your trapped in the damn tiny tent and they take your medical items as well as your weapons if you hand them over. holdout weapons ftw. still had me popping food and nuka colas and anything in my bag that had + hp bit of a panic when i noticed wth i got no stimpacks....no damage reists meds no good drugs any any kind, geko steaks plus nuka cola quantum tho cure a world of hurt, glad i saved them for an occasion like that fight instead of wasting them on death claws or something silly.


think if you specifically ruined something the ncr would have had you do should have been a notification, i was waiting for one when i decided i really needed to kill that guy right then and there, but i saw none lest none that i noticed i was busy trying to doge his 6 or 8 guards and not get my brains bashed in. so i do not think one popped up at all.


i would think that maybe obsidian had an idea that a ahole that leads a bunch of murderous thugs trying to recreate rome with him at the head nm the slavery and the extermination of civilians, quite a few people would want to kill that guy and planned ahead.

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No you should be fine. Even though you have just killed basically the head and some higher ups of Legion, you'd think they'd suffer a serious blow. The only thing you get is some random npc chatter on how they wish they were there when you killed him. Such a massive let down.
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  • 2 months later...

Yeah, this doesn't make any sense to me. I killed Caesar and wiped out the camp and nothing has changed. Hanlon still won't talk to me. None of the NCR officers acknowledge my victory. Major oversight I think.


I was vilified by the Legion and was trying to get proof for Regis so I wouldn't have to wipe out the Khans. I ended up killing everyone. Apparently, no one cares.

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Killing caesar is like cleaning a save.


Hes a utter f@&#!t and so are his troops. All they do is enslave innocent people. But when i come storming with Boone with a f***ing Mossberg shotgun then there is a challange for them.


Also the first thing i did was get into the tent and pull out a Fire Axe ( Knock Knock ). A uniqe weapon. Then stormed against him cutting his head off. Along with that his Arms, legs everything flew off lol.

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I've done the same thing twice. Goes to show the Devs did a good job of making them pretty much unlikeable as a faction, "Profligate swine; step aside lest you feel the rath of Caesar's Legion", or some such arrogant swill. Excuuuusssssee me! I don't believe I've introduced you to my assault rifle yet! :laugh: In fact, when I fire NV back up tonight, I'm on the verge of going down to Cotton Cove with my Mark of Caesar, so's Cass and I can give all of 'em the scagging they richly deserve.................and oddly enough, just to take a page from BloXbox's play book..................I've given Cass a Fire Axe I took off some fiend earlier in the game. Time to GET PAID you schmucks! Then it's off to Caesars Palace to light them up too, and swipe the tribal enslaving proof for Regis. Back to NV in time for pizza and brews and the Atomic Wrangler.


It is a pretty big plot hole in my opinion though. You'd think taking out the Leader of the main opposition, his entire body guard and the rest of the encampment would cause some sort of speed bump or left turn in the plot. Nope! Just a loss of further Legion orientated missions. :confused: Whatever!

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From a scripting and plot point of view, this is even dumber than Caesar's death not making a blip in the plotline. I waxed Caesar and his goons again this AM; and blow up the robot army as I intend to back NCR this play through. I ditty bop back to the Strip to give House the good news, via the 5.56mm express, and he's already ****ed over the robot army's demise when I get there. The Lucky 38 Securitron's fire up on me as soon as I materialze in the casino, I shoot my way through all of them, listen to House snivel for a minute, then it's lights out.


My next step? Off to Ambassador Crocker for our first meet. Crocker starts to carry on about how tough it's been for the NCR; as House has been playing them for chumps since the big dam battle. Think there's a conversation option for me to give Crocker the somewhat relevent info that House is outta the picture......................time to move in your troops, Bro. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink. Not a chance! :wallbash: Have to go through the conversation tree as normal, and handle the Boomer and King mission (already did 'em so that was a formality for me). Then Crocker sends me off to see the lovely and very personable Col Moore (I'm definitely scagging that arrogant ***** on the next play through....she's as bad as those superioristic gits in the Legion) for her 3 missions. I realise it must be very difficult to code conversation options for the 2 million possible conversation branches, us unpredictable gamers cause..............but, cripes! It seems like House being dead BEFORE the player meets Crocker would be one of the likelier scenarios, :confused: and not some totally :turned: plot twist. Just sayin............................

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Killing caesar is like cleaning a save.


Hes a utter f@&#!t and so are his troops. All they do is enslave innocent people. But when i come storming with Boone with a f***ing Mossberg shotgun then there is a challange for them.


Also the first thing i did was get into the tent and pull out a Fire Axe ( Knock Knock ). A uniqe weapon. Then stormed against him cutting his head off. Along with that his Arms, legs everything flew off lol.


Wow... don't get too excited bro :biggrin:

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