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mods on xbox?


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Potentially Xbox could host a server dedicated to game mods. They already have Xbox live, which shows the internet support, all they would have to do is designate a server for such things.


Do any of you own an Xbox of have ever played one for an extensive period of time...No? Well then keep your mouths shut. If you have one and hate it that's a different story...It's just not for Morrowind. Again, just because the PC version of one of its games is better than the console doesn't make the console bad.

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The console is by Microsux. 'Nuff said. Sorry but I reserve my right to be immature and insulting to Microsux and all their products, whether it be fair or not. So there! :P
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At least the menu graphics on the Xbox look a great deal better than Windows SUXP.


On that note, does anyone know of a site where I can change the look of Windows.


Immature? Where did that come from?


No anything by Microsoft can take it up the processor for all I care, too bad they have such a firm grip on the industry, otherwise I would certainly be running something different.


Linux = great but it's limited in how it interacts with the computer, and I'm not Comp Science major and wouldn't know where to begin.

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Change the look? In what way? If you mean getting rid of the ugly xp default, there's an option under appearance (I think, typing on a lab computer right now) to set it to the old style.


And my reason for not likeing the xbox is that all consoles are too narrow in purpose. All they're good for is playing a few games, most of which exist for pc as either direct copies or similar games. And with the exception of the ps2, they have massive compatability issues. No upgrades, no playing old games. And of course the complete lack of mod support is a really bad thing, considering how many great mods there are (not just for morrowind). And the control setup is terrible for every kind of game I like to play.


And I also would abandon microsoft without hesitation, if only the software I want would run on linux! Actually, its not too hard to learn... have to do it for my major, and its not much different from windows if you have the right version. The command stuff is just another option that you can use.

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