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raising legion reputaion


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I was wondering if anyone knew a way to raise the Caesar's legion rep without killing the NCR. Boone went on a killing spree and now im hated but i want to get the legion takedown perk or whatever and im attacked whenever i speak to someone while wearing the uniform. please help
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bleep the legion only way i raised my rep was by killing every legion i found and then ceaser himself :P.


they bad guys i mean what would make them happy? rape, murder, slavery and killing ncr and vegas people, maybe toss in a few crucifixions i imagine would do the trick.


think your one of the small minority that wants to raise rep with them.

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The Legions are a bad-ass tribe. Murder, rape, pillage. Who could possibly want more? Oh, and Crucifixion. Thats just deliciously evil.

Im going to make myself a Legion mongrels Companion. I'll lay mass-destruction upon the mojave wastland, oh yes.


True to Ceasar.

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  On 10/26/2010 at 7:49 AM, ObLars said:

The Legions are a bad-ass tribe. Murder, rape, pillage. Who could possibly want more? Oh, and Crucifixion. Thats just deliciously evil.

Im going to make myself a Legion mongrels Companion. I'll lay mass-destruction upon the mojave wastland, oh yes.


True to Ceasar.




yeah but what things can you do to literally increase your rep with them

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Well step 1 would be to lose Boone as a companion. He hates the legion and will shoot them on sight. If you explore his backstory, you'll see why.


So once you lose Boone, your next step would probably be the legion camp east of Forlorn Hope. However, I'll bet most of their missions involve "Go kill NCR", so you'll have to lose NCR rep to get legion rep. That's kinda the whole point of the faction system, you can't be loved by everybody.

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How to become freind of the Leigon,

Definate Spolier Warning and these are the ways I have found so far....



After I was let into Caesar's fort I fought in the Arena there and got some nice Fame for going through the 3 matches.


After finding Nipton, I was told to spread the Word of the Leigion..so i went back to the Mojave Ranger Outpost and told the gate guard. More Legion Fame.


Blow up Mr. House's Bunker of Securatrons.


Help Caesar's general's with their side quests.


Assassinate President Kimball


When you confront Benny is Caesar's Fort, fight him in the Arena or Crucify him for ultimate revenge.


If you kill NCR while Leigon are watching/within LOS you will game Leigon Fame.


Learn the Leigon Power Attack

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the problem is that I've exhausted most of those options. I killed the guy at cottonwood cove about 10 gameplay hours ago. if anyone could give me the names / loctions of legion members i can get quests from while vilified it would be a huge help. and does anyone think the legion power attack is worth going back a total of 22 hours of gameplay time? ive used it before but im not sure of its effects. Thank you.
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