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The whole gambling thing

frank lee

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I contentedly waited a year or so for the next Fallout, an it's here, and I've just begun it and. . . I really dislike gambling.

Sorry it's boring. Poker, horse racing, betting of all kinds is just so dull.


I'm 50 years old and I've never bet on a horse, bought a lottery ticket and I don't know how to play poker. It's not a religious thing it just never, even slightly interested me, perhaps my life is 'sporty' enough. . .


So I'm guessing at some point in this new game I'm going to be expected to play some dumb game like roulette just to move on with the quest, right? Or should I just join the legion now?


If anyone has played right through and can give me some strategic advice here I'd be grateful.




Oh and I'm curious how much 'corporate hospitality' the Bethesda management received while 'researching' this game in Vegas. Or did they just get a lump sum from Party_poker.com or 666_.com?

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Haven't found a poker table (yet) in this game


nor a horse race


nor a lottery



Found roulette - real life - house always wins


Found Blackjack - nice way to waste time


Found Slots - Easy way to get Filthy Rich




Don't worry about things that are not in the game


Exploit what you can


Shoot everything else

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To the experienced Wastelander,


This may be a spoiler.



There is no point in the game where you have to gamble to continue the story. The benefits of gambling in the game come from the floormen bringing you a drink or food . As you keep winning they will give you a Key to their own Casino style suite that can be used as a player home.


The downside comes from winning too much and the Casino bans you from entrance. The one game not featured on the big name casinos is called Caravan, and if you ask me I never played it once in my first 50+ hour play thru. On a side note, you can still amass a large amount of Wasteland Caps, NCR Cash, and Leigon Denari with a good Barter skill. There are plenty of places to sell your looted items, with a well traveled highway system full of Wandering Merchants.


Good luck out there.

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Caravan is useful to know how to play though, head to a merchant who sells stuff you want *and* will play Caravan with you. Buy your supplies, play a game or three of Caravan to win back all your caps. It's a moderately enjoyable game - if you don't abuse the infinite discard during the opening round or stack your card deck with the optimal cards.


Which falls under the "exploit it" part of "exploit it or shoot it" rule.


(I'm hoping they make the AI better at playing Caravan and fix the infinite discard loophole.)

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You know, I live in Vegas and gambling is everywhere even in the sci-fiish post holocost rat pack era vegas that this games looks at and you dont have to gamble to advance the story so if you dont want to then dont. And anyway untill you get to freeside or the strip you dont see slot machines or roulette tables used for enything more than window setting, so other than the odd merchant who plays caravan its a non issue.
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I suppose gambling is there just to rack up caps. Besides, most strong armors and weapons in the game are hell expensive if your barter skill isn't up to par.


I personally didn't bother gambling on the first playthrough.

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caravan is a perfect way to make f*** loads of money quick and easy..

It's almost impossible to lose with the right strategy!

10 9 and 7 NOTHING ELSE have at least 3 of each and it's all over.. throw away everything else at the start of the caravan game.

forget all the stupid strategies, simply make one row weaker then the other 2 and let the AI attack it and set down 10 then 9 then 7 on the other to and it's done!


I figured this out early on and it seems to be rather easy to figure it out cause achievement hunters figured it out quick to, i was sort of happy to have figured it out before i saw the video, not sure if the video came out before i figured it out though... not really important though.

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