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New distribution permissions options for all files


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Like Khettienna, I'd like some further clarification for the usage of resources when contact with the author has proved to be impossible/fruitless. As an example of a mod that is apparently now caught in the grey area, sliding to black, is a mod that I've been heavily involved in: All Natural. It contains some resources from a number of mods, and an excerpt from the readme regarding the usage of these resources is:


This mod contains the textures, sounds and meshes from the following mods:


Atmospheric Weather System by HTF

Enhanced Weather by HTF

Natural Environments by Max Tael

Natural Interiors by Wormheart

Real Lights by Josef K.


Permission was sought for all of the above, and was given where contact with the original author was possible.


In the spirit of the original mods’ licensing, the textures, sounds and meshes contained within this mod may not be re-distributed without consent of their creators. They remain the property of their creators, all rights reserved.


Now, I can't remember who gave permission and who never replied, but as it says above, contact was not always possible. We took every effort in doing so, however, and we've stated that usage permissions and ownership lie with the creators, but some posts in this thread make it seem like this mod is breaking the rules of Nexus being uploaded here.


However, I don't think that we've done any thing wrong, and the general concensus by the userbase is overwhelmingly that it is a fantastic mod, it's in the top 50 mods on TES Nexus even, and nobody has ever challenged the inclusion of the resources that were included from other mods.


If the author(s) we couldn't contact suddenly reappeared and demanded that their assets be removed from the mod, I would have course comply with their wishes: I'm a strong proponent from respect towards asset creators and modders, and I would not equivocate on the issue. Of course, I'd feel regret for it, as the assets were included because they were good, and while I could replace them with assets I do have permission for, or create equivalents, it wouldn't be the same, but I'd still do it.


Could I please get some clarification on what is and isn't acceptable on the Nexus?

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Now, maybe him coming back and leaving a clarifying statement saved us all. But if he hadn't, would we all be in trouble right now? Are you hunting such mods and weeding them out? Do people who have used resources and/or plugin work in such a manner need to be busy re-working their mods to not contain that work, or pulling their mods down?


That is actually a good question.....do we need to address that in a different thread? or would that fall in line with this current one?

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'Should someone not like the fact that there work was recreated to work for the new version of Fallout, they should actually be greatful that someone enjoyed it enough to make it work for NV.'


No...just no. Please stop using this rediculous excuse and please stop telling modders to 'shut up and take it' and please stop telling modders what they 'should' do and how they should think. This is a good way to make sure that modders don't release their work at all.


I think this new feature is great and will sort out quite a few 'grey' areas concerning usuage of mods.


With older mods where the author has left, it is safest to assume that unless they specifically state that their mod can be used in their readme, then the mod should not be used, period. Lots of these modders will return when TES 5 makes an appearance, that is a given.


@Offkorn 'Considering that there's not a single valid reason to ever deny someone permission in the first place'


Modders have many different and very valid reasons for not allowing redistribution or reworks of their work. For one, why should they have to compete with a modified version of their own work? For another, often the work released is an ongoing project that the modder is adding to over time. Yet another, it is plain easier to keep track of patches and versions etc... Please do not assume that modders are being emotional and unreasonable when they state their mod cannot be used by other modders or uploaded to other sites. There are often very practical and logical reasons why.


Not to mention that modders do not need a 'valid' reason, it is their work to do as they choose. They invested their own time and hard work to make something for others enjoyment. People seem to forget that they are privileged to use the work that others have done. It is not an entitlement, modders do not work for you. I am not saying that people should be groveling to modders, that is rediculous. What I am saying these modders are at least deserving of the curtesy of the right to choose what is done with their hard work.


If you think the community will suffer and not grow due to clarified restrictions on mod usuage you are very wrong. Advances are made through innovation and new concepts. Completely new concepts brought to the commmunity by individuals or teams with the imagination to create them. Some advancement is built on old concepts, the greatest is given by the introduction of brand new concepts.


In conclusion, I very much like this new system, it helps me in my search for resources and makes me feel better about how my own mods are protected according to my wishes.

Edited by Guest
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Also, two more interface notes:


The text field for Credits doesn't seem to be taking [ list ] tags correctly; the last line is displayed as though not part of the list, and shows its tags.


The tickbox for wanting to specify one's own permission settings doesn't "stick" from one edit to the next.


Edit: And for the record, yes, this is much cleaner. Thank you again. =)

Edited by Khettienna
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@crippknottick: It's now in the Options section as "Credits and permissions".


@Shezrie: Offkorn is a modder as well, but one that tends to have his own views of what is, or should be, permissible. I also agree with you and the staff here that modders have a right to control what they create (it is after all copyrighted material).

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I like the pro-mod-maker-rights stance that the nexus is taking. Personally I don't see any major problem with the nexus being so strict about mod permissions. If you absolutely must use some other modder's resources without permission, nothing is stopping you from uploading to different site. Now I know that the nexus is very nice and convenient and etc., but if they want to be that strict, I absolutely support them for that, even if some good mods have to be moved. Obviously I'm not a popular modder so I don't know how these modders would feel about that though. I guess it would be a hassle if they had to check an additional website if they want to provide support for their mods.


I'll admit I'm being kinda hypocritical here. I recently released a mod that used my own scripts, globals, quests, cells, and references, but was based on another mod's "methodology," if you want to call it that. I PMed the other modder, but they didn't respond. I uploaded my mod without permission, though it's arguable whether or not I needed permissions at all. I was relieved when the other modder finally contacted me and granted permission.


So yeah, it would be nice to know exactly what requires permission and what does not. If there's a gray area I'm ok with leaving it up to the staff to decide, though obviously it's better to have no gray at all.

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Thanks, ladydesire. It looks much cleaner now.


If the author has given you permission to use their work, and you can prove it (or they won't say to the contrary when we ask them) then you'll be absolutely fine. There are obviously going to be a few legacy issues while we wait for mod authors to update their preferences accordingly.


This is what scares me, the waiting process. If the member's last login date is before the new changes can we mark them as "not read the bulletin yet'". Though, the pieces I've used from other authors had their permissions in the readme file or I got direct permission. I save all my personal messages related to permissions so I guess you could say that's my on-paper proof.


As for mod authors changing their minds later after permissions were granted, I have no problem changing or removing content at their request.

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Hello, brand new member and completely new to using mods in PC gaming. Is this new policy change the reason why every single file I try to download (most notably the music track packs) are dead links? Clicking on the file links does absolutely nothing, and it wasn't like this yesterday. : /
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