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New distribution permissions options for all files


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What Dark0ne said was that if a modder is absent and no contact can be made for a set amount of time, people can ask a moderator what to do, and the moderator will handle it in a case by case matter.

I'd recommend not to try it out... the ice is thin, the crack is bound to occur. And before the site owner himself jumps in at the deep end he'd give his moderator the boot and the pirate the last farewell. Get a life, folks!

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And with that I meant of course only when there's nothing in the readme/description/permission page stating that you won't get permission no matter what...


But Surenas, what do you mean about Dark0ne running into trouble?

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Pulling Laws into the discussion is actually not relevant at all, as Dark0ne and the moderators are the ones protecting peoples work, not laws.


It's the people who put out a handful of mediocre to bad mods that want to "protect their interests"...which just means the only "interest" these type of people have is building a little content kingdom and lording over it.


I just wonder, who are you to judge which mods are mediocre or bad? It's not up to you to decide, it's up to the community, but first and foremost the author of the mod - If the author thinks it's a good mod, well, then it IS a good mod.

The reason why people want to protect their work is because they are proud of it, and don't want to see people misuse it. For instance, if someone makes some cool clothes, they may not want to see it used in a pornographic mod, thus, they want to protect it by denying reuse of it.




But then the new permission rules suddenly became something like "Well if a modder is absent and can't be contacted it might be fair game after all..."

If I recall correctly, this is not Dark0ne's words - this is the words of someone else, who probably misunderstood the "new" rules. (Which have actually always been around, but just recently clarified)

What Dark0ne said was that if a modder is absent and no contact can be made for a set amount of time, people can ask a moderator what to do, and the moderator will handle it in a case by case matter.


And like Dark0ne said, this has never been a problem before, it just became a "problem" when it was clarified...


I never said that those were Dark0ne's exact words, Zaldir. It was merely an interpretation of the sort of scenario you are going to get when a modder is absent, people ask a moderator what to do and the moderator handles it on a case by case basis. It would almost feel like you were penalising a modder for DARING not to appear on Nexus to answer their PM's, even though they might have severe and genuine problems, or be required to be away from the net, rather than being in a strop. "Unless you are satisfied beyond reasonable doubt, then you shall find the modder Not Guilty"...It would be far better to say that if there is any doubt as to permissions, then assume that the answer is no.


But I can certainly agree with your answer to MrFlesh. I cannot understand why he is so keen to be able to get his hands on mods, many of which he seems to think are a heap of junk. As you say, people like different things, just because I may not like a particular mod doesn't make it a bad one.

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And with that I meant of course only when there's nothing in the readme/description/permission page stating that you won't get permission no matter what...


But Surenas, what do you mean about Dark0ne running into trouble?

Well, a never to be ruled out trial on intellectual property rights isn't that funny if one stands in the dock, I was told. And as the Yedi Qui-Gon Jinn once has said: "There's always a bigger fish". Don't count on a smaller one when the bell tolls for thee.

Anyway, it's not my show cos I'm no longer personally involved in such kind of trouble, wherein afterwards people aren't the same as they were before. Surenas of 2007 and later is everything but Surenas of 2006 and earlier even if the big Korean server that once had been a great deal of trouble for many a modder is no more. Actually both sides have lost in those days cos below the line there was no winner at all. A stale victory celebration, that's it. Like others involved I've never again offered a free mod in later days for it didn't work anymore, the cut was simply too deep, it was a frakkin' final one: end of free stuff, no more trust. As such, I've just piped up cos I've already experienced in the past firsthand what is again in the air today, no more, no less.

My hopes are thus exclusively pinned on the modding generation that came after me; may the bitter cup of wrath go past them cos it's an evitable curse for all those straight members and officials of the Nexus that are not blinded by the actual appeals of the very hungry pirates of the TES Caribbean to open legalized backdoors for faked 2-minute reputations built on juridical quicksand somewhere in the Mojave Desert. You can guess the rest.


Lo, your choice of today will decide your fate, selah!

_ Jewish proverb from the days of Babylonian captivity

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to post or not to post, what a conundrum...


it's certainly easier to just to say "you're wrong, you're lying, and you're either misinformed or making things up in order to appear knowledgeable, but you certainly don't know what you're talking about either way", though it's so much more effective to point these things out and then provide proof of it. i'm just not sure this ol' camel can handle another one of my straws though.


perhaps i'll just go the easy way for now since the only person gullible enough to buy into any of this bull in the first place is the one shoveling it out. besides, i could shed light on the truth all day long, but the real problem is how to get a grown man to stop acting like a child and i'm not sure i can tackle that problem. i think i'll just comment on one thing instead...

It is clear by the above and most of your post that you are unable to separate what you wish & is etiquette from what is reality.
i can't even begin to argue against that, as you are in this very rare case correct for once. i am indeed utterly incapable of separating what i wish for from what is reality. i'm not the strongest person around but i did give it an honest attempt though, yet no matter how hard i try to force them apart, what i wish for just refuses to stop being reality. Edited by holbrook
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@Surenas I find it ironic that as you talk about the evils of use without permission, you speak in prose pulled directly from copyrighted material.


"The reason why people want to protect their work is because they are proud of it, and don't want to see people misuse it"


Total nonsense. That is the excuse, not the reason. There is no way for someone to miss use a mod. There is more concern over someone improving upon it and making a more popular version of it than any actual miss use of it. How else can you explain that you have a mod with glaring bugs, unfixed for YEARS, and you have to go find someone else fix for it, that does not include the orgional content?


A lot of you must suffer from a huge case a cognitive dissonance. Here I sit reading about people defending "the decent modders" from the pirates when the shallowest search produces example after example of work pulled directly from copywrited material






Ivy Armor from Soul Caliber

Heavenly Sword from Heavenly Sword


Color Wheels image use in his mods




evil dead chainsaw

Alien race




Honda NR500 Motorcycle


blackie of CM partner fame:


Elven town of Solace pulled directly from Dragon Lance




thieves arsenal pulled directly from thief




Alyx Vance


The Divine Avenger:


Gandalf, Gimli, Aaragon,


Or how about AlexKnight1978 who's stargate mod has been heavily used by prominent house modders


Umpas: celebrety faces


or how about the highly celebrated FCOM which implements Warcry that introduces diablo creatures?


Just do a search for anything that's ever been popular with nerds (anime, firefly, etc) and you'll find a mod for it. And this is barely skimming the surface....if you drill down I'm 100% positive that you will find modders using all sorts of other things....voice files from other games, music, textures and meshes, animation. Classic case of the pot calling the kettle black.

Edited by MrFlesh
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Now you are just getting insulting. There are plenty of modders posting original work, which your cognitive dissonance can't accept. You may or may not wish to accept this, but all this situation over the permissions needing to be clarified and new forum mechanics for implementing them DID arise from the FO3 to NV ripping. And there was more of a concern that quick and dirty forms of these mods were being released, rather than better ones, as DID happen.
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Insulting? You should have seen what I deleted in review.


If I'm "just being insulting" then explain to me how TES can be rife with mods from ripped off content and modders complaining about being ripped off isn't the pinnacle of hipocracy.


Who cares if the mods made it to another game quick and dirty. That's no different than when modding for oblivion first started. Everything here was half...ed until someone came along and did it better.

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Alyx Vance


How about you get your facts right before you start flinging accusations around? That outfit was made first by X-command, not me. You would know this if you'd bothered to read the description of the mod. All I did was convert it to male on someone's request.


Yes, I do make mods with ripped content, but I don't share them. They are mainly experiments and stuff purely for myself.

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Does that matter or is that splitting hairs? It's ripped content, hosted under your name, worked on by you and publicly available.


I'm just pointing out that the creators of some of the most popular mods rip off other content and post it for public use. I'm sure if I started digging into data signatures I'd find a lot of licensed textures and traces of cracked software. I highly doubt that most modders are forking over 5k for legit copies of CS4 and 3DS to make bikinis for Oblivion.


I'm not criticizing. I'm using this point to illustrate that given the above it is disingenuous to then turn around and have a complaint about it happening to a modder.

Edited by MrFlesh
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