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how much interior cell content is too much?


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Ok... so I'm really perturbed. Interior cells have a recommended maximum size of 157mb, and through all my searching I have never found any references to issues for exceeding this recommended maximum. In fact I have been 3-4 times over that total for awhile in one of my cells and had really no issues to speak of, in CK or in game. But the last couple days I have been building a rather large addition to my displays and the memory has bloated to 889mb (566% of maximum) and the CK has been freezing up when changing interior cells and sometimes when using the F5 refresh function.


Can anyone confirm is this is the cause? anyone have any definitive info on this? thanks

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How exactly do you find out what the mb usage for a cell is?? I have two interior cells I'm working with for the same esp and the 2nd one is giving me strange behavior (like items I've placed disappearing. This has happened a few times to the same items.)

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How exactly do you find out what the mb usage for a cell is?? I have two interior cells I'm working with for the same esp and the 2nd one is giving me strange behavior (like items I've placed disappearing. This has happened a few times to the same items.)

On the render window tab.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, the meshes and textures need to be placed loose in the mesh and texture folders, if it's not from the vanilla BSAs, otherwise they show up as exclamation marks. Are your items vanishing in game or from the CK or both? is it showing as an exclamation mark?


Data limitation is not your issue here. My issue actually ended up being corrupted CK files, which I ran a validation for and fixed it and my cell loading problems stopped. I did end up splitting the main cell up though and it does help with in game load time considerably.

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I've tried making interior cells bigger than the vanilla dungeons, what usually winds up happening is the level gets convoluted onto itself. Stuff supposed to be placed at the end of the level get placed at the beginning, major FPS issues, etc.

I'd make it a few rooms each and section my dungeon into multiple cells.

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