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Killing Mr House option way too radical?


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What pisses me off is that I wanted to kill him, control the robot army myself, then work with the ncr to do a treaty.


I was only able to control the army and kill the general. I wanted to be able to work together.


Also the add on better let you continue after you beat the game. This wasn't like fallout 3 where it was a set story and you die... This should of let you keep going and fight for the dam. I find it really stupid the game ended at the end, its not a set storyline and it should of kept going.

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While it seemed a lot more Fallout-like that no faction was purely bad (even Legion had some positives), I was hoping to have a few more options.


I liked House well enough but what keeps me from joining him in my playthroughs is no option to convince him that the BoS chapter in the region isn't a threat. While that may change with a DLC, as it stands they're in no position to be a serious threat, especially as they're held back by certain beliefs. While they're in no way knights in shining armor free of sin, from all my Fallout experiences the good has always outweighed the bad. Afterall, Jacob ended up befriending Marcus, not all BoS members were so stuck in their beliefs to see that there are other options available.

House may have been cold and efficient, but he wasn't a distant bureaucracy. While its understandable he'd want them eliminated as he's the embodiment of Tech effectively, it would have been nice to protect my fellow paladins, even if from themselves.


Yes man just instantly reminded me of a Fallout Skynet. While I wouldn't have minded getting NCR out of the region, placing trust entirely in an AI is just asking for trouble. But since he at least gave me options with dealing with factions, it didn't bother me as much. It would have been nice to use the securitrons for NCR or Legion use.


Crucifixion and slavery automatically keeps me from personally siding with Ceasar, but one can't deny the efficiency. Even though I basically kill anyone and anything that I don't agree with in game, the Legion's methods are too extreme for me.


Considering the state of the BoS chapter, it would have felt out of place for them to be a faction to support for the end game request.


I really didn't like that Oliver character, but I'm guessing that's the point.

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General Wait and see...He's like Colonel Custer...foolish...

I like chief Hanlon though, what he does is a little off, but I see his point...


As for Mr house well I have mixed opinions, I wouldnt say he's bad but I wouldnt say he's good either, He wants total control as he sees that, that is the only way to keep the wasteland at peace, Caesar also sees the autocratic point of view but Caesar sees it to an extreme(He's also just plain mean).

But House is efficient, well his securitrons and his network anyway, He sees the long term results and will try and reach them in any way possible...

As said before Yes man is Fallout Skynet, As soon as I heard Yes man was going to get an upgrade to become more assertive..I knew there would be trouble...

(good grounds for DLC Ill tell you though, Fighting yes man...sounds fun dont you think?)


I like the NCR, just like our present governments but with a little more common sense and common goal, just help everyone possible with what resources they can...

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Yet I still ended up betraying him, if only because I'd rather reign in Hell. Plus what guarantee do you have that House won't kill you off once he's got his upgraded army and made Vegas independent? He can always get a new person to sell that protege story to when he's no longer so pressed for time.


I think fear is the guarantee. If you've been playing the game reasonably well and doing lots of sidequests, you're a near invincible juggernaut around that time, and can probably tear through his securitron army with your bare hands. Or at least with your YCS/materiel rifle. He couldn't kill you if he tried :P


I believe the ending for siding with house and being evil is:


The Courier, cruel and merciless, had ensured that Mr. House would maintain complete control over New Vegas and everyone in it. Mr. House afforded him every luxury at his disposal in the Lucky 38, partly out of gratitude, and partly out of fear.
Edited by WarKirby3333
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