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Killing Mr House option way too radical?


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Well, thats the problem, there seems to be a bug in the script that locks the door before you can enter it, if your like me and went too far and had all ready visited the camp before the final battle, the door will be locked, the only way around it is to use the console, click on the door, and use the "activate" command, then close the console and it will activate the door and let you in.
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First time around i also bypassed his security and tossed an over powered rifle round into his chest.. exploded like a rotting flesh pinata..Then i also reloaded my game and played through..though i still ended up betraying him and using Yes Man as my weapon of destruction..If the game had allowed me to play after beating it..i'da probally betrayed yes man and modded my own lil army of indestructable toasters.
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when my game was bugged by the vault glitch and i was aggro from all of the lucky 38 i capped him to. then i rolled back something like 10 hours to get the real playthru. i played along.


so i played the house ending today and well, not that impressed, one he kills the kings and yea the kings wanted to do their own thing and not be ruled by him or his bots, but the kings were an above average gang that tried to help out their community and improve the lives of the people there as best they could. even they do not like the ncr much but if you negotiate the cease fire they accept the help of the ncr to feed the people there.


second he sends victor back to good springs to spy on the people there.....now this is a ending point that confuses me why does he feel the need to spy on them? how is gs a threat to house at all? really makes no sense really, all gs had going for it was some decent people and a decent water supply. they were not pro ncr they just wanted to make their own way best they could. now if you kill house the ending tells you how prosperous gs is. and of all the towns in nv well if i would want one to get a happy ending it would be gs.


so house must die. :P now ideally i would like to see an option in the game to keep house around for his big brain to help things along but the game precludes that since it gives you no option even with 100 science to disable him wo popping his bubble.


and his despotic rule and the cold streets of nv ruled by his bot army does not strike me as a happy ending. even with the fixed train and dreams of a future in the stars, hell maybe we could give him the bright brotherhood and book his life pod a spot on one of those rockets before they blast off. :P

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but does that option not remove him from his pod so you talk to him and the game makes it clear at one point that him leaving his little pod would kill him just not right then and there but the contamination from contact with the real world would make him sick and he would die sooner rather than later.


to disconnect him wo killing him he would have to stay in his pod.

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Well, thats the problem, there seems to be a bug in the script that locks the door before you can enter it, if your like me and went too far and had all ready visited the camp before the final battle, the door will be locked, the only way around it is to use the console, click on the door, and use the "activate" command, then close the console and it will activate the door and let you in.



If you are talking about Legate, I did that and shot the bastard but only knock him unconscious. Does anyone know if there Is a mod or console command and to remove essential from Legate?

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Just found out while looking through the Dialogue in the GECK, that there was an option to bring Mr. House to side with the NCR, by becoming an NCR Citizen and making New Vegas a state of the NCR, but it was never completely included. Maybe it can be made available as a Mod.


Had a Bug withe Legate too. But in my Case he stepped out of his Tent, but when the fight started he just ran around like a headless chicken and i could easilfinish him of. Most unepic Endfight I ever had =)

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I noticed that as well, there's a note in the GECK from House to the NCR.





Upon further reflection, I have determined that it is my best interests, and the best interests of the New California Republic, to transfer sovereignty of the Vegas Strip to the NCR.


If all terms are agreed upon, annexation would occur one year from today.


a) I am to be granted full status as a citizen of the NCR and immunity from prosecution for any activities prior to annexation.


b) I will be recognized as the sole proprietor of the Vegas Strip, a commercial property.


c) I will be subject to all laws of the NCR, including personal and property taxes.


d) NCR functionaries will police the Strip; I will retire my Securitron police force and limit their movement to the grounds and interior of the Lucky 38.


Please confirm that these terms are agreeable. I do not foresee any objections on your part.


Robert Edwin House

President, CEO, and Sole Proprietor

The New Vegas Strip

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