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Dragon Bones Become Static Objects


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I was wondering if there was a mod that worked something like this:


1. Kill Dragon

2. Dragon Skeleton lands in a glorious fashion

3. Use mod to make dragon skeleton a static object in the cell

-Dragon no longer has physics and stays forever

4. Skeleton stays and makes a wonderful decoration


It would be cool to have this because I love the look of the skeletons but they have pretty bad physics and have a bug where they follow you around for some reason, so I end up disabling them.

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Takes me back to my first character, when I hand't learned the console commands yet. I'd encounter a dragon, kill it, and not having enough carry capacity for its bodyparts, I'd go to the nearest city and sell off some junk, to then come back to the scene of the battle to loot them. Only to find the remains of the beast have mysteriously disappeared.


So yes, I could get behind this.

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