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Good female follower mod?


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Hey guys.

Right now I'm using zero body replacers and only SkySight males and True Daughters of Skyrim, to help save my poor laptop (still looks great, but you know). I'm looking for a good female follower mod that doesn't require other bodies, and maybe is custom voiced. Right now I've got Inigo and Hoth, and that's it, so I'd like to mix it up a little.

I tried Vilja, but unfortunately I'm one of those people who instantly hated her voice. No disrespect to those who put work in, I appreciate that, I just don't like it myself.

Any suggestions/good reports?


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The three you mentioned are my top three favorites. Next on my list would be Arissa; I've just been waiting for a bit more dialogue to be added. But her voice acting is top notch.


I'll take a look at Arissa. It seems like she might be my best bet.




Female followers from 3dnpc (aka Interesting NPC's) are well-done, as is everything else in this mod.

I adore that mod. The only problem I'm having is it seems, for whatever bizarre reason, to cause some lag in my game, as well as turning my laptop from kind of warm to pits of hell hot.


I'm not sure why this is, since I didn't think NPCs made a difference to game performance. Maybe it's all the dialogue/sheer size of the mod? I'm not sure. It just seems to be the mod that always tips it over the edge.

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As others have said, Arissa and Sofia are two of the best follower mods out there.


Achem..The best "Female" followers out there.. withdraws to his library brandishing a pipe and a large glass of port.


Literally had that with some stilton and rosemary crackers two nights ago. Port and a pipe is a classic <3


Excellent options guys, I'm hearing a lot of good stuff about Arissa so I'll probably check her out first. Going for a fresh re-installation so I wanted to have decided by tonight, cheers for the help everybody :D

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