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The therapist Lounge


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Do you have a problem, a need of help of some oddity you wish to tell us about. We can errmmm correct that for you at the Nexus tharipist lounge. We Errm Doctors are kind of standing by playen pinball.


We ya right we wish to help, right, right no we don't.


Your fiiiirrreeddd!! New doctors will be standing by.

Edited by Thor.
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Looks like Pagafyr just performed the forbidden necromancy ritual to resurrect the therapist lounge. but as we all knew, the recently resurrected corpse of the doctor could only utter the words " Uhhhhhhhh " " Arrrrrrgggggg " " Kiiiiilllllll Meeeeeeeee ".


Hmmm... maybe you need to re-chant the resurrection spell, I think a line or two is missing here :armscrossed:

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Resurrection Spell? Hm?


Doctor's of Errm rise from your urn, take a cup from the ashes, to dust add some dashes.


- - - -


Look to the Moon then enter the Enterprise 1701 D Holodeck Room.


Blink Blink.


There take the knob in hand.


Turn three times left.


Turn three times right.


Wait until night.


Rise, soar and take flight.


Look High


Look Low


Turn your face into the snow.


Cool the mixture of ashes and dust.


Add two drops water, three drops snot. :sick: Put it into a bottle of zombie rot. :ermm:


:sad: Shake well.


Take off the cap, pour into a body mold,


and then see what you got.




Doctor Frankenstein I presume

Igor?! Is that you?


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I awakened. I think. I could see. I think. I could hear. I think. I could feel. I think. I think I wondered. I think I pondered how I was.


I think I was standing. I don't know how I knew. I think I looked down. I saw something. I did not know what. I think I squatted and sat. I felt something under me. I did not know what it was. I touched it.


I did not know what was and somehow I knew everything about nothing and nothing about everything.


I think I named the place upon which I sat, "The Beach."


Could it be?

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