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CoD Black Ops


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Aye, that end bonus level is one of the funniest things I've seen in months-well worth a game in it's own right.


And I couldnt agree more, Fidel is the best, though JFK has some truly brilliant one-liners.

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my experience with blackops left me sour. I got it mainly for the multi-player, so I jumped right into a ffa match or tried to. First a server list 5k-10k long must load if you try to click on a sever and your too slow itll get buried among the thousands of severs, its slightly annoying but can be managed by restricting the kinds of matches your looking for. So finally I get into a match and I'm pumped, I die literally instantly, so I wait to spawn and again I die before I can take a step, so I notice that the spawn points are hardly random. People just camp them and shoot you the second you appear. They have motion sensor devices or cameras in blackops people use them to camp 2 spawn points at a time. Well for me this was worst then the cheaters in mw2, at least I stood a good chance against them this is like shooting fish in a bucket.


I did have some fun in the hctdm, the levels and terrain are little bigger and more open than mw2, you also have many more toys to play with in special equipment, tactical equipment and grenades.


I also miss the option to have a shotgun as a sidearm, or have a sight with noob-tube. Cod credits are easy to get and so is leveling in 10-15 hours i had nearly every gun purchased and was lvl 48, perks are tougher to unlock than mw2 though.


The killcam seems to be off or wrong somehow there is a lot of clipping rubberbanding, bad angles and looking threw the ground killcams.


Now the basic idea of the game is pretty good; the perks, the levels, the equipment, killstreaks, are all balanced and interesting its just a sloppy game if they fixed the spawn points, killcams, and made the interface less clunky I think it be a very good game, but I feel like a bought a demo or a test game.

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The campers are very easy to deal with if you can clear your spawn before they appear.


Secondly COD's FFA has always been pretty weak-if you want FFA, try Halo Reach, which has much stronger FFA but weaker team games.


Because campers simply dont exist in the team games-this is infact the only game I've played in months that I HAVENT seen a camping team yet. If you are getting camped, use grenades, tomahawks, or other explosives, these typicaly can kill a camper before he can get you, or afterwoulds to prevent he recamping and letting you escape.


My problem with spawning is that the spawn mechanics are just a bit screwed up in team games: a few times I've seen enemies and allies spawning in eachother's spawn areas-in one we had two enemies spawn in our base at the begining, and two of ours ended up in theirs. It means you've really got to keep your eyes open, or you'll be in big strife from being shot in the back.


I will however also say that today I discovered the joy of the Strela-3. Try it guys, it's great fun, point and shoot anti aircraft hilarity. Once you shoot it, the rocket will chase it's target, and often they'll rush around the sky trying to flee, with the missile in tow, but the missile almost always hits, and when it does, blimey, it hits hard.


Aint nothing more satisfying than the enemy team's noob getting a Spy Plane, thinking they have done something amazing, only to see it blown to hell by a sniper with a SAM tube.

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Secondly COD's FFA has always been pretty weak-if you want FFA, try Halo Reach, which has much stronger FFA but weaker team games.



Really? I've always found Halo FFAs quite poor. In Halo it is very easy to sweep up a current fight and to nab a quick kill off of someone with no shields. Sometimes, I trade punches with someone and then a third player picks up a double kill for the lead. I also have the kill stealing problem, which doesn't exist nearly to the same extent as Call of Duty. That's a super fast-paced game where people die in a few shots. Halo IMO is much more team oriented since the guns occupy a much more specific niche, the map layout is more crucial due to power weapon spawns and needs some good team-shooting to get the job done. In CoD, I've had some very fun FFAs that were varied and tactical; they don't degenerate into the crazy meat-grinders that Halo does. :)


Both games have the spawn problem partly because shooters online seem to be overall a very team-oriented thing. But yeah. I think you have things the other way around here.


Let's get some more feedback on zombies, guys. I was "wowed" when I saw on G4 about JFK and all of that. :D

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I just got it. I'm starting to think I should stop playing FPS's like this, because I'm horrible at ever aiming. My usual method is to put a line of bullets in front of an enemy and wait for them to walk into it.


The campaign's style is somewhat disorienting, but I like the unique flow it has. THe levels themselves are very limited in what you can do, though. It's sometimes even a rail shooter, when the computer just does the moving for me and there's not even any shooting. But for the rest of it, it's fairly entertaining. I haven't stepped into the multiplayer yet, for I fear getting pwned.

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I see Black Ops starting to fall more in line with Bad Company 2, to be honest. MW2 was almost entirely a twitch shooter. Just about anyone with a decent 'net connection (or host....) could charge across the map with a SPAS-12 and annihilate the whole team. Now, I think it's a lot more about using cover, aiming, and knowing where the other team is. I like it, personally. I see it moving more towards the.... I hate to say tactical, but I lack a better word. Slower-paced, maybe?


Anyways, it's a LOT more about skill, in my opinion. Even noobtubes require some accuracy. (Wow... never thought I'd say that.) Plus, what's not fun about 360 noscoping a guy with an explosive crossbow bolt...


EDIT: For anyone concerned regarding the issues with lag/FPS stutter, the patches have fixed ALL of mine, single-player works fine, and I've played the Pentagon zombies level a few times.

Edited by RZ1029
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