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Bethesda's first-ever E3 conference!


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In response to post #22995624.

You shouldn't listen to Rumors. Especially when it comes to BethSoft. Rumors about their games (BGS/Arkane/Id/etc) are almost always false. Besides, the likelihood of them announcing both TES and Fallout is unlikely.
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In response to post #22995624. #22996854, #23004719 are all replies on the same post.

I would prefer a new Fallout game. I want the Elder Scrolls series to make the most of the tech and go 64-bit, directx11 and shizz and not be so unstable when modding.
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2016 makes sense for TES VI. The date matches nicely with the title, and it would be approximately five years since Skyrim's release.


So, I could see them releasing Fallout 4 in mid to late 2015 and TES VI in 2016.

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In response to post #22959109. #22992779, #23039194 are all replies on the same post.

That would be interesting, but I'd say we would have to wait a few more years if that were to happen. They work on their games for a minimum of two years, but that's only when we are not between console generations. It took 4 years for them to get Oblivion ready because they had to update the engine and all of that. I don't see TES VI until 2017/2018.
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In response to post #22923049.

Erik Todd Delums does VO for both Fallout and Elder Scrolls, and I see him more as a Fallout guy because of him as Three Dog, which could easily, and probably is returning.

ESO still has nothing to do with Fallout 4/TES VI. BGS started work pre-production on their current game in 2010, so ESO doing bad couldn't have anything to do with it.

Arena came out in 1994, Daggerfall came out in 1996, Morrowind came out in 2002, Oblivion came out in 2006 and Skyrim came out in 2011. Only once is there a 5 year difference. Of course, I'm not counting to side games, but 5 years only happens between Skyrim and Oblivion.

With the next-gen plus having another franchise, there's no way it's going to be fast between ES games.

Todd Howard also talked about Fallout being something he loves to do, (he was the one that asked Bethesda to get the license from Interplay after all) and for that last half, that was an unknown game where he talked about that.

The next game on the Creation Engine could easily be Fallout as Fallout 3 was on the Gamebyro engine just like Oblivion was.

I see more things pointing to Fallout, and to me, it just makes sense for it to be Fallout. There's no way they will skip it unless they hand it off. It would would be 2 or 3 more years for another Fallout game if they do this, and a 9/10 year wait is too long. Edited by Camonna Tong
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In response to post #22923049. #23050169 is also a reply to the same post.

@Camonna Tong

Your theory is sound. I know that the voice actor for Nazir did voice-acting for Fallout 3 hence his famous 3 dog tweet. However I still have hope for another elder scrolls game since the Elder Scrolls Online was horrible. I played the Beta and it was crap. There is no way it's an elder scrolls game. Maybe if people weren't harping for multiplayer so much they could have actually made a proper Elder Scrolls game. Also I think that not only will they release an Elder Scrolls VI but also a Fall out 4 and possibly Dishonored 2 among other games - maybe even a new IP! I am the one hoping for the next TES game but I realize it probably won't happen due to the TESO fail. Thanks Zenimax! That said I might check out Tamriel Unlimited for PC if it has a cheap deal somewhere along the line. I don't care if no one else plays it cause I prefer the solo aspect of the game. Fingers crossed!!
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