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Player home


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Okey ladies and mentlegen. This is just as the title suggests a request for a player home. I have tried creating this myself but i just can't get it working and i have no idea why.

What i want is a copy of an already existing building so hopefully it's not a huge task for someone who knows how it's done. I won't go in to more detail here but if you're feeling generous and want to help a homeless dragonborn get a home then you will of course get more details.

Thank you and have a nice day!

Edited by lillikonko
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The guards barracks in Whiterun. The location... Outsude whiterun but somewhere close, IF i can get a mark on the map that i can travel to. If not then i want it inside whiterun. If you're planning to make it for me i wouldn't mind adding you on Steam so whe can discuss the matter in more detail and more privatley.

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