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Project APEX


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Good day all.


I just got off Outlook talking to the head of Project APEX, with whom i just started working as a writer. I've been told i'm allowed to start up a thread on these forums because i know only the best, open-minded, cynical MW players end up here *looks for praise, but gets slapped on the head*


I should probably tell you all about the mod before i post this, so here goes.


Project APEX was started by Vbgraphics and his small team, because they saw, if you like, a gap in the market. There are hundreds (and hundreds and hundreds... blah blah blah, you get my point) of weapon, house and mini-quest mods floating around the net. He saw this and thought "Hmm, maybe some new features would be better than just another sword or house." So he did.


Project APEX (if you're wondering why i keep calling it that, its because we haven't actually got a name for it yet; any ideas? :D ) will add more features than any other. We'll have totally new "God" powers, and fear/infamy meter (like reputation but it effects the NPC's more) shape-shifting ability (ability to change your race/face [tee hee, that ryhms]/gender at any point in the game, and back again). But i haven't told you the best bit.


We are redesigning the whole of Vardenfell into a completly new world (named Aralon at the moment - but not for long <_< ) that is roughly 1/2 to full size of MW. This will be broken up into seperate regions (anybody played Medieval Total War? Like that.) that will be owned and fought over by a number of all-new Great Houses/guilds/others. The PC will (eventually - this is going to be a really long mod, trust me, i'm one of the writers) control one of these, and have to wrest control of the others using a totally new, original Battle Menu. Without giving too much away, this is without a doubt one of the pivotal moments of MW plugin history (modest, of course :D ).


But what am i saying. Go to the website and look for yourselves (lazy fools), then come back here and add any thoughts or ideas you have for the mod. If you think any of your services could be offered join on the site or post here.


Thanks for bearing with me, i know it took a while to read (and write, i've been here for ages damn it!)




P.S: If someone could help my change my sig so only the words Project Apex come up instead of the whole web address *look, he's a complete noob, can't even make his sig work properly, hahaha*, it would be greatly appreciated.

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It worked?


In answer to thanateros, this is still very early design stages. The team is formed properly, i think, the basic storyline has been written (with some BIG modifications to come) and design sketches for the map, the cities and the NPC's are done.


Like i said, go to the website, get the info, then come back and tell us what we're doing wrong. Sound good?

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At last, i've found someone else who is working on this!


I've been trying to get hold of all the other writers trying to find out their ideas and stuff. PM me plz. We need to talk.


Also, could you tell me who else is working as writers to i can talk to them as well :D

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