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Destructible Skyrim [WIP]


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Should have a sound effect when it breaks. Maybe customizable number of hits.


Regarding barrels with hundreds/thousands of items, you can just have it drop a pouch on the floor. We're already assuming it's magic that a barrel can hold so many items why not a pouch. And/or you could set it to only do this if the container has >x amount of items.

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Should have a sound effect when it breaks. Maybe customizable number of hits.


Regarding barrels with hundreds/thousands of items, you can just have it drop a pouch on the floor. We're already assuming it's magic that a barrel can hold so many items why not a pouch. And/or you could set it to only do this if the container has >x amount of items.

If he's using the Destrcutible object system, then you can't customize the amount of hits via script AFAIK. Haven't seen SKSE or vanilla function for it.


Sound effect can be done with a default script attached to each.

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so does shouts affect it by chance?

The ones that deal physical damage should do such as fire breath or whatever it's called.



Should have a sound effect when it breaks. Maybe customizable number of hits.


Regarding barrels with hundreds/thousands of items, you can just have it drop a pouch on the floor. We're already assuming it's magic that a barrel can hold so many items why not a pouch. And/or you could set it to only do this if the container has >x amount of items.

Yeah I need to come up with some suitable sound effects. I might just have the player be able to salvage items by interacting with the destroyed object debris but yeah failing that I'll probably use a pouch or something.




If he's using the Destrcutible object system, then you can't customize the amount of hits via script AFAIK. Haven't seen SKSE or vanilla function for it.


Sound effect can be done with a default script attached to each.



The number of hits required is determined by the health value assigned in the destruction data. Higher damage weapons and spells will mean less hits required. The sound effects can be triggered via script although I have been using the destruction explosion sound for testing which requires no scripts and is easier. The explosion I have set is invisible and only used as a very slight force to blast apart the debris.

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