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Which mod disables inventory access/pause menu during combat?


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I installed a bunch of immersion mods and one of them has created the titular problem. It's a problem for me because I like to switch from ranged to melee combat when the enemy has closed in rather than running.

I've so many mods, I can't figure out which is causing the problem.

Alternatively, is there a shortcut to switching weapons (without having to go into the menu)?

I've attached my mod list here. I figure one of y'all might recognize the troublemaker. (Note: 3 images!)



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This mod is ruining my game. Every time I run out of arrows I have to high-tail it out of there, equip a sword, and run back to the fight because I can't switch weapons in combat.

If anyone knows off the top of his head or from the list of mods I posted which one has this effect, I'd be immensely grateful. I've uninstalled every mod I can think of which might have this effect to no avail. I'm ready to uninstall and start over.

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