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Patching question!


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I have around 150 + mods incl the big ones like Perkus Maximus and ASIS


I need to know the order of patching these files, i.e the included Skyproc patchers


things needed to be patched :


1. Bash patch

2. Patchus Maximus



I get confused about the order of patching these files and idk which of these interact with each other.

I need your help guys!

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First, run bashed patch. Make sure when you build the patch it's just above ASIS-Dependancy.esp, and deactivate ASIS-Dependancy. You want the bashed patch run beforehand, so PerMa and ASIS can use it for their patches.

Then, download and install SUM, the Skyproccer Unified Manager. Go to the SUM reproccer folder and run SUM.jar. It will automatically detect and run both reproccers, making sure they're compatible with each other.

I hope that helps! Please reply if I haven't explained anything well.


EDIT: I fixed a mistake I made regarding the bashed patch order.

Edited by newzilla7
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