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[mod request] Follower with vampire support.


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essentially i'm looking for a follower that can be human or a vampire, either with amazing follower tweaks turning or Better vampires, i recently started a playthrough as a vampire mage, and being overly squishy i wanted a few followers that could take hits for me in combat, but also be vampires if i so choose, but to my immense dissapointment, turning any current followers into vampire, either with Better Vampires, or AFT caused many problems, being that the face got all messed up, and no matter what i tried would have a dark face body mismatch problem (i even tried the custom race i was using that look awesome as vampires and even this race had problems, custom race being the Ningheim) so anyway, this is why i am here, to see if anyone can make a follower who is human to start with, but lets me have the option of turning them with Better Vampires, i'd make one myself, but followers via the CK are completely out of my league >.>


so basically, a custom follower, based on the Ningheim would be cool, or a vanilla race follower, like Nord or Breton who is compatible with AFT, with vampire turning support, cause from what i have been told the reason i get this problem is that the facegen files are missing or something, and i got no clue how to fix it for other npc followers.


thanks to anyone who can help i would greatly appreciate this and i'm sure others would as well given that some like playing as vampires and would enjoy having a turn-able vampire follower.

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i'll give it a go, guess going by what i read it won't fix the custom race follower i am using, wouldn't mind seeing some human/vampire followers based on them


edit: nope no joy, still doesn't match, i also use all in one face with unp skinny replacer, i turn them, looks fine, so i then coc to riverwood and bam, mismatch again, as i said, i have tried EVERYTHING to this to work, short of using the CK to edit specific followers, which is why i have requested this mod, either a fully functional custom race vampire follower, or even a overhaul of all named followers you can recruit, not ones you can make with AFT, just the normal skyrim followers would be handy.


here are the steps i have been using to replicate the problem.


1. load up my test room save, i have found a decent lit castle room for testing purposes.


2. summon or placeatme lydia


3. get her join me as a follower so i can summon her with tweak commands


4. use the abilities i have in Better Vampires to turn her into a vampire


5.open console and click on lydia, use removeallitems to see how she looks, and she does look like it all matches.


6. use coc riverwood to force a transition to get it to load.


7. target lydia again, use removeallitems console command, and bam, head and body still do not match.

Edited by Solgath
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nope, still doesn't fix anything.


edit: tbh, i've tried asking for help on the help forums and no one has been interested in help, so i came here to ask for a mod, to either overhaul the followers so they get the face gen data they need, or to create one with the face gen data using the Ningheim race, i have no clue what to do when it comes to making followers, so here i am asking for some help in either making one myself, or having one made and uploaded on nexus, tbh having a functional human turn-able vampire would be preferable...

Edited by Solgath
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something like that, i had a look around and so far as i can tell, there are no followers you can recruit that start normal, but have the face gens needed, on another not, i found that if i use the AFT vampire lord action, to give the gift of being a vampire lord, they turn into vampires and work PERFECTLY, no face to skin mismatch or anything, i think the normal turn uses vanilla vampires or something, same with the Better vampires turning, but if i use the AFT version, i get the proper matches, still wouldn't mind seeing some cool human/vampire option followers though. :D


edit: i also tried "upgrading" my current Ningheim follower, from the better vampires, vampire follower she was, to the vampire lord version of AFT and it also worked fine, not sure what effect this will have, will have to test more, either that or just cure her of her better vampires version, and use the AFT option in future when turning any Ningheim followers.

Edited by Solgath
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