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Who has little to no bugs to report here?


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I've heard so many complaints so far about FNV, yet the worst I've suffered is some quest weirdness (one missing icon, an npc stopped moving when I talked to her, removing mods for the duration of that quest fixed it) and some pretty consistent crashes, however I think when I installed a texture pack was when the crashing got bad, I set all my gfx to high (except shadows and water) and played for near 6 hours last night and it didn't flinch, I alt-tabbed to check email, I saved and loaded and reloaded and all kinds of other stuff and all in all... It's actually running better than the original Fallout 3 did when it first came out. - I only have a substandard gfx card, an NVIDIA 8600gt, a dual core 3ghz cpu on a pre-built NEC piece of crap that seems to fail at everything else pretty easily.

I installed a d3d dll I found around the place because it appeared specular lighting (or something) was causing a jittery framerate in some places, now that problem is gone too :) - I don't know if I'm lucky or what, but I was wondering how many others had experienced little to no bugs so far?


One thing I don't like, steam is supposed to be cheaper right? how come at eb's here in Australia, it's exactly the same price? with our dollar being so strong against the U.S it probably only cost me $1 more to buy it on steam. But I don't get a disc... rip off.

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I have had to abandon one or two mods that didn't work satisfactorily; one sees the occasional character floating above the ground; once or twice my char has got stuck in the scenery. Oh and twice when I have logged off the game has frozen in the process of shutting down and I have had to restart the computer. But nothing I would define as serious until one hits one of those quest glitches where you kill someone who is shooting at you and are told that one or more quests are now impossible.

In short the game mechanics don't seem too bad, but some of the programming, as with the quests, seems rather sloppy. But what can one expect? Quality Control does not sell games the way that pretty scenery and naked ladies do, so the QA boys are always struggling to get things right for a publishing deadline over which they have no control, and once the game is on the market the vendors are not too bothered about spending money on retro fixes that the QA staff would like to see implemented.


(By the way, I am pretty sure that the autosaves were causing crashes on FO3, so I have always played NV with autosaves disabled ... just a tip that folk might find useful)

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I have had "very" few bugs/crashes on my end. With all my characters im pushing probly 100+ hours of game time, besides the odd tear in the landscape i have had no more than 3 crashes in all my time playing. 2 of which were mod related. I see the odd person or item kinda floating but nothing major to report. Unlike FO3 where i was crashing pretty well every 10 minutes.( and i will probly never play again)


FONV is now my favorite game :biggrin: cept for maybe my Gold Box sets of POR, COTAB, and SOTSB for my Commodore 64 :geek:


Game on!




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Forgot about that, I've had the odd scorpion mostly in the ground, and they've had some clipping issues with rocks, one ghoul so far got stuck in a concrete pylon and couldn't be killed or attacked with ranged weapons, at the time I thought Boone's ammo would have to be replaced so it worried me and I melee'd him (thankfully worked), but apparently Boone has unlimited ammo so I was worrying for nothing haha :)


**Edit** when I accepted a Quest for Sloan, it didn't show up in the questlog, but could still be completed without a problem.

I obviously got the steam version, not sure if the DVD version is different and worse than steams? - Crashes for me were random, sometimes on loading a save, sometimes moving to a new area (e.g from outside to inside somewhere or vice versa) and sometimes just walking around randomly but an alt+tab to task manager or waiting for an error message was all I got so far, nothing horrible really :)


"Quality Control does not sell games the way that pretty scenery and naked ladies do" - This is what I don't like about games, I don't remember naked chicks in Doom, that took me a good amount of time to finish, then I wanted to finish it on a harder difficulty and so on... when I bought my first (and only) xbox - well let's just say I was hard pressed to find an fps that took more than 8 hours to finish at any difficulty level. - RPG's didn't last long either, sure the gfx were prettier, as mentioned the "scenery" looked great at times... the only game I remember spending hours on was Morrowind. Damn that game owned :)

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I too have faced sub-terrainian scorps and rats - very odd with their little nose poking out of the ground.


Freezes only happen when it's loading a save game - and rarely.


If it crashes - it does in un-spectacular style - just boots me to windows.


Other than that for a ver 1.0 - pretty good.

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Had bugs but I have to say not serious ones. Nav-mesh failures to 'tcl' from and stuck creatures. Begun getting freezes after adding 12 plus mods but my system isn't very powerful so. . . stop adding mods!


I think my quest failures occurring from trying to play this like FO3. Accept a task from someone, kill a character in the process and;


Quest Fail!


comes looming up at the side of the screen. Well gimme a break! you don't get any indication that there was a quest involved with some NPC in your scope. It seems as if the devs wanted to impose more linearity but didn't take into account that we'd all just tramped in from the DC Wasteland where things were. . . looser :tongue:


on the whole, have to agree with Aleqgrai, not too bad

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had a bit of an issue with Veronica standing still (found her about 6 minutes ago) downloaded a mod to fix that on here, still didnt work, went into a nearby shack and she appeared with me and started moving... not gamebreaking but annoying.
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The only thing I have seen is some half underground scorps and such. Other than that not a darn thing I could find wrong with my PC version :) I have quite a few hours in so far at lvl 14.
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