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How to get back into Skryim?


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I got Skyrim almost a year ago and spent 277 hours in it. But now I am uninspired. My last attempt was 3 months ago.. I did reasonably well, got my mage to level 100 Conjuration and all that jazz. But afterwards I couldn't find the spark to get back into it and with Company of Heroes 2 being the last game I have before being burnt out on all the games I own let me ask. How can I recapture the magic that Skyrim first had when I began last year?

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If you haven't already, try Alternate Start - Live Another Life and You are not the Dragonborn together. I tried it and I've been on the play-through I used this mod on for awhile now, I still feel like a different person in the world. With these two mods you can truly role-play and feel like someone else in the fantasy world of skyrim.

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You are not the dragonborn is just a more expedient way for me to avoid most things during my previous playthroughs (Got AS and never looked back tbh). As far as the above post; Fallout 4 is more likely coming next and then tes vi. That's a lot of time inbetween to play more elder scrolls.

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  On 2/24/2015 at 4:14 AM, flatline115 said:

I got Skyrim almost a year ago and spent 277 hours in it. But now I am uninspired. My last attempt was 3 months ago.. I did reasonably well, got my mage to level 100 Conjuration and all that jazz. But afterwards I couldn't find the spark to get back into it and with Company of Heroes 2 being the last game I have before being burnt out on all the games I own let me ask. How can I recapture the magic that Skyrim first had when I began last year?


277 hours is not a lot for Skyrim, I have played the game for longer than that on my console without mods.


You should cater your mod list to individual character set up. There is lots of concepts to play with. Some things I have tried before:


1. Full time bard or undercover assasin.



Become a Bard (steam)



2. Professional hunter.


Training Dummies and Targets

Hunting in Skyrim - A Hunting Guild

Animallica - Skyrim Wildlife Overhaul - Lore Version (does not give pelts, but it's nice to see some diversity)

+any mod that allows you to camp (Frostfall, RND, AFT, Camping Kit of the Nordic Ranger, etc)



3. Bounty Hunter.


Increased Bounty Rewards

Hoth follower (generates bounty quests)

Plus combination of combat mods. My recommendation:

-Ultimate Combat

-Ultimate Dragons

-Combat Evolved

-Action Combat

-Immersive Detection of NPC



4. Treasure Hunter.


Grumpy Lockpicking

Skyrim Unique Treasures

Underwater Treasures

Kynesguard and Deadra Hunter

Northern Encounters



5. Bandit / Bully


Intimidating Dragornborn Bully

Sarcastic Player Dialogue WIP

Become A Highwayman

Get Out Of My Way

Master of Disguise



6. Skooma Dealer (Breaking Bad - Skyrim edition)


Become a Skooma Dealer

+Riverside Shack Skooma Dealers Den

Dragonkiller Cart Reloaded (Get this together with Organized Bandits In Skyrim and Death Alternative - Your Money or Your Life. Have fun!)

Drinking Contest

Toxicity - A Witcher-like Toxicity system



7. Interesting idea:


Hold and Defend (take over fort or other location)

Spouses Can Live Everywhere / MHiYH 2plus (move in with followers)

Jaxonz Positioner (redecorate)

Jaxonz Furnishings

(profit? :tongue: )



Mods for more diverse enemies:

Bandits Glory (Superb!)




Worth getting:

Death Alternative - Your Money or Your Life

Death Alternative - Captured

Death Alternative - Alternate Start Addon (for LAL)

RND or iNeed

Convenient Horses (Incorporates immersive ways to manage your horse - wave/whistle. Comes with saddle bag and new armors/saddles.)






Get some interesting voiced followers.




Interesting NPCs


Herman The Mad


Anna NPCs


with Fast Sit 'n Relax with Follower Support (just don't use Steed buff or disable buffs on rest)


Or BFF Animal Companions

The Chicken Returns




New fresh look for landscape:

-Get Enb preset compatible with Enb series 0.265 and enable terrain parallax.

-Get ground textures for new parallax. Tamriel Reloaded HD covers all textures and can be used as base. /// pick what you like >> Vivid Landscapes (check out new tundra textures) / Tamu75 Parallax Terrain Textures / Skyrim 2015 Terrain Parallax.

-Skysight - Simply Bigger Trees

-Simply Bigger Trees LOD

-Verdant or Tamriel Reloaded HD grass .esp (better than SFO)

-Skyrim Lanscape Overhaul

-Realistic Water Two

-Watercolor for RW2

-JK's Skyrim

-Immersive Fallen Trees*

-Convenient Bridges*

-Skyrim Bridges


*Useful with Frostfall



DLC size content:

Moonpath to Elsweyr





Starting area dungeons:

Ogmunds Tomb

Engelmanns Rest

Windcallers Pass



Horror content:


Conan Hyborian Age

Into the Depths



If you want total region overhaul be sure to check:

Tropical Skyrim

Skyrim Winter Overhaul



Fantasy Soundtrack Overhaul




More Additional Player Voices

BadassVoice Pack for Additional Player Voices

Edited by BlackRoseOfThorns
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Not including real lfe, bring yourself and as many friends as you can. Skyrim is a breath of fresh air and a moment or two of wait, oh heck, and another breath of fresh air. Ohhh, wait, that was cool, then breath again. Bring yourself my friend, it is all you need.
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