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What HD mods are the best for my pc?


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I recently got my first desktop and as it's the first time I've been able to run Skyrim properly I want to outfit it with the best texture mods and visuals it can handle. But I don't know what they are, I see 2K packs that are better than the downloadable HQ DLC, 4K options which are massive to download, ENBs that look amazing but I'm not sure what texture packs work best with them.

My specs are:

CPU: Intel Core i7-5820K @3.30GHz

2 TB hard drive

Res: 1920 x 1080

OS: Windows 8.1


I want the absolute best my PC can run but I have no idea where to start. Could anybody give me some pointers?



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Woo, you can some cool stuff with that system!

My favorite combo is:

Elder blood enb with aMidianBorn Book of Silence for armors, weapons and some mosnters.

And imo, the best texture pack http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/61995/?

Ikr? I still haven't recovered from playing low-quality, laggy, shadowless glitch-fest Skyrim on 4:3 laptop screen for years to Dragon Age Inquisition on ultra with a 22" screen. *_*


Aha yes I've drooled at Tamriel Reloaded many times, but would you say I could go for the 4K option of it or stick with 2K?

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Woo, you can some cool stuff with that system!

My favorite combo is:

Elder blood enb with aMidianBorn Book of Silence for armors, weapons and some mosnters.

And imo, the best texture pack http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/61995/?

Ikr? I still haven't recovered from playing low-quality, laggy, shadowless glitch-fest Skyrim on 4:3 laptop screen for years to Dragon Age Inquisition on ultra with a 22" screen. *_*


Aha yes I've drooled at Tamriel Reloaded many times, but would you say I could go for the 4K option of it or stick with 2K?


Just my opinion here, but I would stick with the 2K stuff, especially with landscapes and really especially if you want to use an ENB as well.

My recommendations for good looks:






There's plenty more, but that'll get you started. Enjoy your new rig <cue jealous swearing>

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Dayum, you're making my computer look like a hunk of crap and it's a super computer compared to my old laptop.

Well, speaking just for my personal preference, Rudy ENB is a nice ENB to start out with, I get a an fps hit but the game isn't unplayable or anything and I'm sure your rig could handle it better than mine (ya lucky son of a gum) Megatherium is a favorite as well for a vibrant game, but it's so freaking colorful it might be a bit much for you.

Whatever you choose, I can't stress enough how much of a life and time saver SweetFX Manager is, I ended up blacking out my whole game once trying to uninstall an ENB and this is just a simple and elegant solution to that little kerfuffle. And if you really want to prettify your game, it isn't purely a texture mod or anything but Flora Overhaul is a must have for me.

Have fun!

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Oh yes, the new dragon age is amazing in looks, it so pretty!

The landscaping, the lighting, the textures and everything is dawn right well made. So little game nail all that at once.

Stick to 2k for now. Try for 4k for something like dragons or face and body. Don't tire your gpu that much expect when your psu and cooling can match it.

Edited by Boombro
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Haha you all have no idea how happy you're making me - I've been managing with crappy low end stuff for all the time I've been gaming and got this beauty as a colossal birthday present. I knew it was spectacular but not this much! :D


Dayum, you're making my computer look like a hunk of crap and it's a super computer compared to my old laptop.

Well, speaking just for my personal preference, Rudy ENB is a nice ENB to start out with, I get a an fps hit but the game isn't unplayable or anything and I'm sure your rig could handle it better than mine (ya lucky son of a gum) Megatherium is a favorite as well for a vibrant game, but it's so freaking colorful it might be a bit much for you.

Whatever you choose, I can't stress enough how much of a life and time saver SweetFX Manager is, I ended up blacking out my whole game once trying to uninstall an ENB and this is just a simple and elegant solution to that little kerfuffle. And if you really want to prettify your game, it isn't purely a texture mod or anything but Flora Overhaul is a must have for me.

Have fun!


...there's an ENB manager? -_- I've already kerfuffled my game up trying to install one, thanks for telling me about this!


I agree with every word about DA:I, every screenshot I take is astounding. Even with the derpy eyelids xD

Thank you for all the mod recommendations! As soon as I get this ENB stuff working my mod count is going to rocket...

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Texture mod don't have esp...

And no it not an enb manager. Sweetfx is a shader suit.


I'm going to be downloading way more than texture mods heh.

Eh, well I'm new to this, terminology aside I've managed to fix all my problems with it!

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Inquisition is just a gorgeous game, characters and everything aside, it's by far the best of the series I think. I have a great fondness for Origins and DAII of course but just mmh. Dorian. It's hard to compete with Dorian.

Anyway yeah, the manager is essential for derps like me that change their ENB a lot, it makes so many things so much easier. Let me know if you need help with anything else! I upgraded from a 2GB RAM hunk of junk to an 8GB lovely not too long ago so I know the feeling of going from "everyone looks like a potato" to "EVERYONE LOOKS LIKE A GOD"

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