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More male followers for the love of Talos...


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Would be nice if modders started making some good new male followers... It seems everyone makes female followers, to look at their boobs I guess? Some kind of fetish? Hey, I'm not judging, but it's kinda hard getting into some RP'ing when 90% of user made followers are some kind of T&A Goddess... I know there are some quality male followers, like Hoth and the Stormcloak guy (can't remember his name, but being Stormcloak makes him unusable for my playthrough...)


Inigo is incredibly well done.... but he's a purple cat...

Male followers added by bigger mods like INPC's and others are very generic and lacking any real character traits like the three I just mentioned.


It just seems that if you want to do an Imperial playthrough, you either have to stick to the vanilla companions, Hoth (which is a stretch) or just solo it...


I hope this isn't taken the wrong way, just a simple request.


An honest to goodness user made Imperial destruction mage follower would be awesome!! (hint, hint) :wink:

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While I agree on the general notion that there is a myriad of female followers, while there is a shortage of male ones, there is a good reason why that is the case: people like making female followers. And that is fair enough.


The thing is: making followers is super easy. I do have the coding skills and could probably cook up a decent follower with some nice features etc., I am not talking Sofia, but a nice follower. However, in order for the follower to be decent you also NEED voiceacting. And for that you need equipment and VA skills. I have neither. You could probably do alot with vanilla dialogue already so, you might wanna start looking for tutorials on followers and dialogue.

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While I can't mod for shyte, I have a fairly large vocal range, including deeper and very convincing masculine tones and can do a few accents. If you want to make the mod, or can get the people together but need a voice actor, I would humbly offer my services if what I can do is suitable.

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I for one would love to see a fresh variety of male follower/companions. Sure, there are a good many that are available for looks or battle skills, which is great, but lack the ability to connect with. I usually don't like to have companions with me, but since the Clearsky Hideout home was released and I read the journals and how it had a story behind it, I wanted to continue the tradition...with a male companion. Someone that was quest aware and can be just as useful at the begining of the game as the end as well, with information. Oh, and can be married.

Edited by TeheeMod
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