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Completed the game ... What now?


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Oh .. I think im screwed, Well i've had Fallout New Vegas for about 3 Days now.


I Completed it just now and i am ..... Very dissapointed. I tought Bethesda LEARNED from their mistakes with Fallout 3 about the game beeing Permanentley over.


I read somewhere that there will be NO SUCH DLC that continues the game. I havent even completed any quests but the main quest, I've never even played casino. OR anything like that.


I have one Autosave when i enter the Last camp and then a save at the Hoover Dam... I want to play the game more :( What should i do ? I cant fasttravel or anything, Tried " Enablefasttravel 1 " But i still need to type that EVERY time i want to travel.


f***.. Am i screwed? :/

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dl one of the continue mods? tho i would recommend that you reset your standings to pre dam standings cause it is lame as all hell getting aggro from ncr in new vegas and having to kill them your your bots kill you cause if you keep your damn faction hits, lest if you dont side with the ncr like i didnt, they are all over the place and will want to kill you which would not be a problem if the ai in vegas adjusted to ncr = bad, me = good and all the robots did not decided i was a bad guy.
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Start a new character and explore the game thoroughly. The goal in this game is to enjoy it, not beat it asap.


I'm getting really tired of this "oh no the game ends!" whining myself. Apparently having multiple ending paths, sidequests that actually effect the endings as well, and the level cap set to 30 by default are not enough for some people. Plus before the Second Battle of Hoover Dam you're asked multiple times if you're sure you're ready to go through with it, which is a big bloody sign that you're hitting the point of no return.


The Broken Steel DLC for Fallout 3 wasn't so much a playable epilogue as it was the Devs admitting that they wrote a crappy ending that everyone hated and gave you the option to pay for a better one.

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Actually they both worked on it, thats why it says bethesda right at the loading screen, i think it might be similar to infinity ward and activision. One is a publishing company, and one is a developer.


I thought bethesda just published the game,not develop it ah well

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Oh .. I think im screwed, Well i've had Fallout New Vegas for about 3 Days now.


I Completed it just now and i am ..... Very dissapointed. I tought Bethesda LEARNED from their mistakes with Fallout 3 about the game beeing Permanentley over.


I read somewhere that there will be NO SUCH DLC that continues the game. I havent even completed any quests but the main quest, I've never even played casino. OR anything like that.


I have one Autosave when i enter the Last camp and then a save at the Hoover Dam... I want to play the game more :( What should i do ? I cant fasttravel or anything, Tried " Enablefasttravel 1 " But i still need to type that EVERY time i want to travel.


f***.. Am i screwed? :/


Complaints about mistakes don't go far with sentences with that many spelling errors.


Of all the things to complain about, the game-stopping bugs, broken quests, etc, you complain because you rushed through the game?


You're complaint is really that you didn't save games when you should have but it can't be your fault...


It's apparent your Fallout experience only goes as far back as FO3. I find it a bit sad that it took three days to finish the main quests since the main quests, they can be done much faster when focusing purely on them - at the cost of your overall gaming experience. Anyone actually familiar with the franchise should know there's more to the Fallout Universe than just completing the main quests.


However, anyone familiar with search engines can find mods for this game to allow gameplay after completing the main quest. If one can find these forums, one should be capable of finding said mod.


I don't see what fun there is after completing the main quests if you would rather complain on a message board as opposed to simply starting a fresh game.

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If you have an XBox you are able to play the DLC "Dead Money"....


You have to search for a mystical place called Sierra Madre....


“The Sierra Madre is a mythical place in the wastes, with travelers all risking their lives to find it. Only one man truly “found” it – and lived. After the fall of HELIOS One, Father Elijah of the Brotherhood of Steel set out to find new weapons to eradicate NCR. And in the process he found the Sierra Madre. The Courier is lured to the Sierra Madre by a faint radio broadcast advertising the gala grand opening.”


It does not expand FO:NV to an open-world game but it expands the story similiar to The Pitt...

And similiar to TP you are not able to leave this place until you have finished the DLC....

Edited by Valasthor
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