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immersive armors for Oblivion?


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Hi everyone.


Been looking everwhere for a mod that ads lots of new armors to Oblivion,But i really cant find any???


Are there really no immersive armors mod for Oblivion like in Skyrim???

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If you're looking to save ESP space then learn to use the Construction Set. You could have every armor or clothes mod here on Nexus in one ESP if you wanted (for personal use only of course ... compilations aren't allowed except those created and released by the original mod author).

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And further to Striker879's recommendation:

If you do want to learn to use the Construction Set, you'll be doing yourself another big favour by downloading the Official CS Wiki Backup that LHammonds uploaded here at Nexus.


It was captured at a time when the accompanying pictures for all of the articles were still linked. So many articles refer you to pictures for seeing exactly what settings etc. you need, without describing them with words, too. You'll save yourself a lot of frustration right from the beginning by downloading the back-up and using that.

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Okay thanks so much for your suggestions, I will try to wrap my head around it.


ive learned a lot in my 4 years on the nexus,But when your native language is not english it can sometimes be a struggle (merging leveled list from plugins is my latest achievement he he)


I only own 3 games thanks to you Guys/gals guess which ones? :tongue:

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Would all three appear on your map avatar perhaps? I started out with simple stuff like making my own armor compilations and moved on to bigger things (well a bit bigger anyway).


Your English is light years ahead of any Danish I might coax out of Google translate.

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Hey, Thomrils! Hope you don't mind me meddling here. I arrived here following the slight arome of l'Air du Temps.


Neither am I a native English speaker, Spanish indeed, but while I had the chance to buy the Spanish version of the game, I have been so used to original English versions that I cannot stand the translations to Spanish, since the KotOR times (my very first modded game).


Anyway, I endorse the suggestion that you learn how to take the assets you like from mods and put them in your own mod compilation. That's what I do, I have (or had) a gazillion armors, weapons, hairs, bodies and textures yet my load order is impressively short.


Using your own compilation has another advantage: it greatly reduces the stress over the game engine and lightens the performance.


By the way, would you like joining a little expedition to Dive Rock with, er, scientific purposes?



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Ike, shame on you, trying to use poor Thomriis as Underfyke bait.


Another advantage that can be had is you can sometimes sidestep mod requirements if those requirements are for part of the mod you don't intend to use. Just keep in mind that any assets you use from another's work now becomes a "requirement" for your mod in so far as you need to leave the meshes/textures/sounds/whatever you've borrowed in place for your mod to work.


Rather than install the whole source mod I'm using I generally figure out what resources the piece I want to use needs (that means checking the meshes out in NifSkope to find out what textures it uses) and then I only copy the required files into their appropriate folder structure. Takes a bit to get your head around maybe, but makes for a nice lean installation.

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Ah, don't you worry. I can assure you the Dive Rock region currently is as safe as it can get. The Uderfrykte hasn't been spotted anymore ever since Drake ran into her by accident on one of his base jumping gliding flight tests. He's currently still soaring around that place repeatedly, and if one thing's for certain, then that nobody will get harmed on this dragon's watch!


But I have to deny the first answer given to the OP's question


Are there really no immersive armors mod for Oblivion like in Skyrim???


There very well are also huge compilations of lore-friendly and/or immersive armors flying around even for Oblivion, some coming close to, some surpassing even, in scale the likewise named mod for Skyrim.

I can't remember them all anymore, after all those years now, but there's even lists of these mods flying around as well somewhere.


But yeah, I can also understand and copy the notion of my precursors, Ike, Striker and Bess. By creating your own compilation of items you also learn some of the very basics of modding, and soon there won't be much difference anymore between compiling existing armor resources, creating your own mix'n'match attires from pieces of these, modifying certain stats about them to create different uses, up to your very own first self-created piece of armor item itself.


We all started somewhere, and compiling existing resources, swapping/altering their textures, and/or mix'n'matching them with NifSkope, for many, if not for all, always were the first steps. :thumbsup:

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