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Moving the College.


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I was thinking how much I would like to see the College of Winterhold to another city or location. I don't even know if its really possible but It would make since for the mages to move if they could to a less hostile city or other location.

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It seems like you would have a lot of dialogue issue with this, as people all around Skyrim usually refer to the college as "The College of Winterhold" moving it to a different location could be very immersion breaking (Not to mention very difficult to do, if done properly)

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It seems like you would have a lot of dialogue issue with this, as people all around Skyrim usually refer to the college as "The College of Winterhold" moving it to a different location could be very immersion breaking (Not to mention very difficult to do, if done properly)

Yeah, I could live with that relatively small break in immersion, mostly because I could just tell myself "Well, it has been in Winterhold so long the name just stuck." Plus, it would probably be easier to put a block on those particular lines of dialogue than to actually move the place.

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Honestly...they are mages. They seem less likely to move than they are to suffer the hostility of the city. It is an old location after all full of tradition.

Not to mention it; where the heck would you move it to? Lets assume they leave the building behind. Where else is equipped to hold them? If not make a new building altogether. If you mean actually move it; again, where? And of course than there is the big empty space. Not to mention what to do with the caves under the college related to college quests.

By no means am I against the idea. The more mods the better. But I imagine just as the mages would appreciate with the walls of their relocated college, I like to see holes filled.

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I was originally proposing just moving the entire college, building and all, to another city. (Markarth and Solitude seem like the two most obvious choices.) So, in theory, the caves would follow. But building a new college elsewhere probably would be the easier option, perhaps destroying or abandoning the old one altogether. That being said, I was more curious if such a thing was even possible with the creation kit.


As for the mages being more likely to simply put up with the nords, i'm not so sure. These nords admit, openly, that they want the mages gone or even killed in mass, and the college is literally in the most inhospitable and difficult to travel town in skyrim I know of. not very good for their limited number of business ventures (enchanting for instance) or for their primary ideal of research and education. The only reason I could see to stay is if it is to much trouble to move.

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Impossible, no offence.
This is a colossal job, no one will do it.
There are two map cells involved also thousand of individual thing to adjust in the new position to make it work, you just cant cut/paste it you need to "delete" and recreate it in the new location.
To take this job done you need the same time and effort of mod like, Falskaar or Helgen Reborn, also the amount of people.

There a lot of more stuff... also after thousand hours in this project and enough people, effort and dedication. Who really want or need this?

Sorry dude, I don't want discourage you, but that's just not possible.

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Impossible, no offence.

This is a colossal job, no one will do it.

There are two map cells involved also thousand of individual thing to adjust in the new position to make it work, you just cant cut/paste it you need to "delete" and recreate it in the new location.

To take this job done you need the same time and effort of mod like, Falskaar or Helgen Reborn, also the amount of people.


There a lot of more stuff... also after thousand hours in this project and enough people, effort and dedication. Who really want or need this?



Sorry dude, I don't want discourage you, but that's just not possible.


No offence taken whatsoever. As said before, I was mostly curious if it was possible, so your answer is very helpful towards that end.


Now the only question is if you could build a new college in the new location and somehow either get to move the npc's to move, or completely replace them. Considering how similar it is to the original idea, probably not. But I kinda feel the need to ask.

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