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Concentration Shock Spells turn enemies into...ice piles.


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When I kill someone with a concentration shock spell(sparks, Wall of storms direct damage 'not the aoe on the ground') they will turn into an ice puddle. And that practically means ANYONE that can die. Even if I take the disintegrate perk, they still turn into Ice pile. Although, this doesn't apply to any fire-and-forget shock spell. This issue with the ice piles came up QUITE a while ago, I've been ignoring it until now and it's starting to -slighty- irritate me. It mostly showed up after I took this mod, Leveled Concentration Spells 1.0, And even after removing it, the 'problem' persists. Could anyone tell me why this is happening, and even more so, can anyone help me fix this?

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There are some mods out on the Nexus which cause ice piles, goo piles, and ash piles, to self destruct, or go away after a time.

They are worth checking out.


Otherwise these dead activators just bloat out a save.

Well..is there something to keep the concentration shock spells from turning them into ice piles? This bug also seems to make the disintegrate perk useless as well..at least with concentration shock spells. I use wall of storms rather faithfully against other mages, and some dragons....although, if not an answer to that, what's the name of these mods that get rid of these piles?

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  • 1 year later...

I remember that when I started a new character, when I was running around Helgen, I noticed that the two destruction spells that I knew were flames and sparks, but it should be flames and frostbite. I have a good amount of mods installed, but the only one I suspect is lost grimoire.


I still have no idea, though.

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if you start up tesvedit and apply filter for cleaning on one of the mods, it should show you what all the overwritten records from skyrim.esm. assuming a plugin is doing it and not a script, you could probably figure it out that way.


edit: o sorry didn't realize this was necro'd. but yeah... you find the tome of sparks on the mage in the cage (best dr suess book).

Edited by ymf331
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if you start up tesvedit and apply filter for cleaning on one of the mods, it should show you what all the overwritten records from skyrim.esm. assuming a plugin is doing it and not a script, you could probably figure it out that way.


edit: o sorry didn't realize this was necro'd. but yeah... you find the tome of sparks on the mage in the cage (best dr suess book).

Well, I learned how to remove ITM's with TESVEdit yesterday, so I'm not quite sure what you're talking about. I'll give it a try, though.


And yes, The Mage in the Cage is certainly the best Dr Seuss book XD

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  • 6 months later...



I finally found the time to go full-on process of elimination on my game and I have determined the following: It's Amazing Follower Tweaks. Specifically the "No Friendly Spell Damage" plugin. Just disabling that makes everything fine and dandy.


There's what I figured out, let me know if it works for you!

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