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Worst things youve ever wasted money on


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I've never bought anything that I would consider a "waste of money." I've always used things that to some extent to benefit me, though not always worth the price tag. I tend to do some heavy research before buying anything new. Overall I'm a very thrifty person.


One thing for sure is the many textbooks for my academic purposes. They can cost a couple hundred dollars and I find myself hardly using them to get the information I need. Ah, these schools and universities. Publish your own books and have your own classes require them.

Edited by AliasTheory
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I once spent a stupid amount of money on a gorgeous black PVC dress. High collared, floor length skirt with a train and everything. It's absolutely fabulous, but I've never worn it out of the house, my life just doesn't present me with occasions glamourous enough to justify wearing it!


If you ever find such a glamorous occasion, you can borrow my black leather boots. 6 inch stilettos, takes an hour to lace the things up. I blew over $600 on them and have never worn them once. They're crumpled up in my closet as a reminder that I can't have nice things.

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Black patent leather fur lined stormcoat.


Had I not moved house, this would have been a waste of $1100. But then suddenly fate interviened and I was forced to move to the coldest part of the country for work reasons, and suddenly wear it atleast weekly in winter.


It's a fur lined, floor length black leather greatcoat, warm enough to protect a man even in Antarctica's worst blizard, 100% resistant against wind-chill and such a beautiful piece of punk style I couldnt not buy it. It;s just perfect for Victorian winters in the mountains, since I only need to wear one elegant garment as opposed to three trashy hoodies, but it's still just a little bit goofy to wear regularly in public-you do get stared at. Kind of a lot.


And my current mode of transport, my motorbike.


It's a Yamaha YFR-R1. This is the Porche 911 GT3 of motorbikes. Except that being a motorbike, it costs less than a cheap car.


It's blisteringly fast, and a true joy to own on track days, but every day I ride to work on it I regret ever owning the thing. Because car drivers have no idea just how rough life is on a motorbike.


You are swiftly left feeling that everyone else except of motorcyclists, seems to think that roads are for cars only, and that we bike owners should just stay home and let them drive their obcene SUVs everywhere. Well, it doesnt work like that, roads are for everything with wheels, and frankly, I've got a much better claim on the highway than some mid-life-crisis'ing soccermom in a Ford Territory.


A motorbike's engine alone is about 10+ years more technologicaly advanced than a car's, even small motorbikes outperform high end sports cars in all areas, and when ridden responsibly, they're exceptionaly safe.


But alas for us, car owners, SUV owners especialy (they seem to be the stupidest, lowest form of motorway life form) simply see us in the way that most would see a spider, they think, "yuck, motorbike!" and usualy try and run us over.


It rather angers me, I can see how bikers form into monstrer gangs, they arent evil, they're just sick of being the butt of some S-U-V-TARD's roqad rage.

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Cigars! I'm so happy I managed to quit. On a long term cigars are more expensive than most of the other things you buy, not to mention deadly for some at least.
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woo atleast you quit them :D I was smoking cigarillos forever...started hacking up black crap and sadly I just wound up switching to cigarettes.


Yeah, cigarettes are a waste of money...turns out we spend almost double our rent on ciggies a month :( We've cut down a lot since my boyfriend started working again. I don't even smoke as much as I used to...used to be a pack a day...down to half pack now :) Some improvement...argh...so hard to quit though :( Marlboros are a waste of money lol...they almost 3 dollars more than Pall Mall and they just stink compared to them. They don't last as long and there must be something in Marlboros that Pall Mall doesn't have...I was sneezing and my nose got all stuffed up. Should just quit all together...difficult habit to kick though...I've tried the patch, gum, all that...only thing I haven't tried is that Chantix stuff...but I don't even have a doctor so I can't get them. Believe me, cold turkey is NOT fun :sick:


I don't work, so many things I consider a waste of my boyfriend's hard earned money. Quite a number of games I've gotten in the past few years Gothic III, Overlord, Mass Effect...they just sit in my junk drawer gathering dust. Anarchy Online was a complete waste of $30/month (for the both of us)...never had time to play it, laggy, buggy...where's my money going?

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The only thing that made me quit smoking so far and it seems to work is that I made a bet with my mom(she also quit) on a huge sum of money and the one that starts smoking again first will pay that money to the other one. I'm glad I did it, I feel better now and two weeks after I quit, I cleaned my longs of that grose thingy that forms in there, yuck! :biggrin:
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The only thing that made me quit smoking so far and it seems to work is that I made a bet with my mom(she also quit) on a huge sum of money and the one that starts smoking again first will pay that money to the other one. I'm glad I did it, I feel better now and two weeks after I quit, I cleaned my longs of that grose thingy that forms in there, yuck! :biggrin:

what about beer? gonna quit that too? :P

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