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Stupidist Oblivion Moment?


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Mine was probably when I'd just got the game. I had downloaded a mod to add Narsil (Aragorns sword from LOTR) to the game, and was dungeon crawling looking for it. Having almost died twice I was ready to get the sword and get the hell out of there. Half and hour later and still no sword. At this point I'm rather irritated, because I had searched everywhere for this damn blade, and couldn't find it on any of the three levels. So, after resurfacing to get some more potions and such, I save my game to go and get some lunch. Coming back to the game, I quickly check my Mod Manager just to double check said mod was on. Surprise surprise, after an hour of searching, I find I hadn't turned the bloody thing on :glare: . I felt a proper fool. When I got the sword, it was just an elven sword with some crappy enchantments on it.


And if not that time, it's this one...


Whilst running from the guards for a careless murder, I remembered I was wearing my custom made Jesus-boots (Water walking) :D , so when I see a lake I of course take my chance and run across leaving my poor equine to fend for itself. At this point I think I've lost the guards, so I don't check, I just run straight across, but thanks to Oblivions RAI, the horse riding guards have circled the lake and are waiting for me on the other side. Damn. At this point I just run into a cave with the guards in hot pursuit and let the cave dwellers finish off the guards for me, then hope I can take whatever was in the caves. Fuggin' Vampires :( . What are the sodding chances! So whilst high-tailing from the vamps (at night) it into the Imperial City I think good the guards will take care of the Vamps for me, which they did. Before promptly chasing me again. Thank god for the stealth skill is all I'll say :ph34r: !

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Jumping from the council chamber balcony, and, unsurprisingly, dying on impact. (I eventually managed to live after drinking 4 Fortify Health potions, unlocked the door, and walked past the guard, who [i think] told me to be quiet, as the council was in session. What council?)
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Jumping from the council chamber balcony, and, unsurprisingly, dying on impact. (I eventually managed to live after drinking 4 Fortify Health potions, unlocked the door, and walked past the guard, who [i think] told me to be quiet, as the council was in session. What council?)

As far as I can tell, Councilor Ocato seems to be the only person on the council. And other than when finishing the main mission, I don't think I've ever been in the council chamber when he wasn't there by his lonesome.

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Getting stuck between some rocks in a waterfall. Unable to run, climb, or even jump out of the hole, I reloaded the game from a previous save-point and avoided the waterfall...


...this was before I realized that, since I was outdoors, I could have broken the impasse by fast-traveling somewhere else. :dry:

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Getting stuck between some rocks in a waterfall. Unable to run, climb, or even jump out of the hole, I reloaded the game from a previous save-point and avoided the waterfall...


...this was before I realized that, since I was outdoors, I could have broken the impasse by fast-traveling somewhere else. :dry:

The console command to turn off clipping (tcl) is your friend in this type of situation, I don't know how many itmes I've used it in that sort of situation. Much more frequently in Morrowind than in Oblivion but there are times it's been helpful in Oblivion as well. If you're inside when you get "stuck" it's probably the only alterntive to reverting to your last save.


And note that it does seem legal to fast travel to where you are now if that happens to be a cell with a landmark that show up on the map. I've used that at times when I can't figure out where my horse has gotten to.

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Getting stuck between some rocks in a waterfall. Unable to run, climb, or even jump out of the hole, I reloaded the game from a previous save-point and avoided the waterfall...


...this was before I realized that, since I was outdoors, I could have broken the impasse by fast-traveling somewhere else. :dry:


Happened to me in one of the Oblivion gates. 'tcl' is your friend.


I spent an age struggling up the mountain to Dive Rock to find you know who. The phone rang. I forgot to pause the game and ... guess!

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Using the MerchantPlus mod, sometimes when in the evening hours when they pass you by (In caves and forts) they ask me to leave cause they have to lock up the place ;D


Again, while doing the Oblivion gate outside Bruma walls, I was in the Sigil chamber and Burd was disarmed by a Dremora but somehow looted one for a bow (and no arrows in hand) and ended up fighting hand to hand :dry: . At the top, I pickpocketed the bow out of his hands, cheated the fine with player.payfine and dropped my spare silver shortsword for him after I summoned a zombie and attacked it so it turned on me so he would pick it up.


Being hammered by a handful of headless zombie summons from necromancers in the first room of Fort Doublecross. I had magic projectile speed about 3x of normal which hammered my health down at first, I ended up getting trapped and killed by the zombies while my 3 summons were busy with the other necromancers or dissipated before I could resummon (had 3x duration for them).

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Well, here's another one:


I just killed Rufio to get into the Dark Brotherhood. I decide to kill two birds with one stone (though I didn't think this would happen, but, hell...), so I go to the Arena and join. I then go to sleep, and Lucien Lachance comes and talks about my new life for the Brotherhood. He sure was a dumb ass :closedeyes: .

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Stupidest moment: buying the collector's edition of Oblivion on release day, out of faith that all my suspicions of poor design would be proved groundless. But no, not only did it barely run on my computer, but the game was a complete disappointment and a waste of $60.
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